Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Dom. Sexagesimae
» Analyse this feastSource: GB-AB 20541 E
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 48
Distinct chants: 45
Antiphons: 15
Responsories: 10
Average number of concordances: 25
Distinct chants: 45
Antiphons: 15
Responsories: 10
Average number of concordances: 25
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
GB-AB 20541 E | 060r | L | A | 2 | Deus meus es tu et | 002175 | 7 | PL-WRu R 503 | CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 | I-PCd cod. 65 | GB-WO F.160 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | I-MC 542 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 061r | V2 | W | 0 | Dirigatur domine* | 008018 | 12 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059v | M | V | 01 | Deferens autem signum | 602530a | 4 | CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | M | R | 1.2 | Dixit dominus ad Noe finis | 006472 | 39 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058v | M | R | 1.3 | Quadraginta dies et noctes | 007454 | 37 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | L | H | 0 | Aeterne rerum conditor* | 008254 | 9 | I-VCd CLXX | GB-WO F.160 | F-VAL 114 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | I-BV V 19 | F-CA 38 | F-Pn Lat. 15181 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30849 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 061r | V2 | H | 0 | Lucis creator* | 008337 | 12 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | M | A | 1.1 | Servite domino* | 004875 | 0 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058v | M | V | 01 | Fac tibi arcam de lignis | 006472a | 38 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059r | M | V | 01 | Decimo enim mense prima die | 601995a | 11 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059v | M | R | 3.3 | Benedicens ergo deus Noe ait | 600283 | 23 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | V | R | 0 | Volens Noe* | 602530 | 9 | CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | CZ-Pst DE I 7 | TR-Itks 42 | GB-WO F.160 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava III EC Lad.6 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058v | M | A | 2.1 | Bonorum* | 001742 | 1 | F-TOm 149 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059r | M | V | 01 | Cumque obduxero nubibus | 007391a | 31 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | S | A | 0 | Jesus haec dicens clamabat | 003490 | 74 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | N | A | 0 | Vobis datum est nosse | 005483 | 83 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | V | W | 0 | Vespertina oratio ascendat ad | 008240 | 32 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | L | A | 5 | Omnes angeli ejus laudate | 004116 | 7 | PL-WRu R 503 | I-PCd cod. 65 | CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 | I-MC 542 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | M | I | 0 | Quoniam deus magnus dominus | 001124 | 4 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | I-Fl Conv. sopp. 560 | I-Lc 601 | F-Pn : Lat. 17296 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059v | M | V | 01 | Hoc erit signum foederis | 600283a | 23 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 061r | V2 | A | 1 | Sede a dextris* | 004853 | 11 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | M | W | 1. | Memor fui* | 008138 | 12 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | M | V | 01 | Noe autem invenit gratiam | 007218b | 1 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | L | A | 4 | Hymnum dicite et | 003154 | 7 | PL-WRu R 503 | CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 | I-PCd cod. 65 | I-MC 542 | GB-WO F.160 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058v | M | V | 01 | Ecce ego statuam pactum meum | 006055a | 32 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058v | M | R | 2.1 | Aedificavit Noe altare domino | 006055 | 33 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059r | M | R | 2.3 | Per memetipsum juravi dicit | 007375 | 33 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059r | M | R | 2.2 | Ponam arcum meum in nubibus | 007391 | 31 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | L | A | 3 | Ad te de luce vigilo | 001254 | 7 | PL-WRu R 503 | CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 | I-MC 542 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | I-PCd cod. 65 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | M | R | 1.1 | Noe vir justus atque | 007218 | 33 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059v | M | V | 02 | Gloria patri et filio et | 909000 | 26 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060r | L | A | 1 | Secundum multitudinem | 004846 | 7 | PL-WRu R 503 | CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 | I-MC 542 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | I-PCd cod. 65 | GB-WO F.160 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059r | M | V | 01 | Ponam arcum meum in nubibus | 007375a | 18 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058v | M | V | 01 | Noe vero et uxor ejus filii | 007454a | 20 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | L | W | 0 | Domine refugium factus es | 008027 | 22 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | T | A | 0 | Semen cecidit in terram bonam | 004860 | 77 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | V | A | M | Loquens dominus ad Noe ait | 202936 | 3 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | GB-WO F.160 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058v | M | V | 02 | Gloria* | 909000 | 26 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059r | M | R | 3.1 | Requievit arca mense septimo | 601995 | 11 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | L | A | B | Cum turba plurima convenirent | 002040 | 103 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059v | M | V | 02 | Gloria patri et filio et | 909000 | 26 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 059r | M | R | 3.2 | Volens Noe scire si jam | 602530 | 9 | CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | CZ-Pst DE I 7 | TR-Itks 42 | GB-WO F.160 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava III EC Lad.6 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060r | M | W | 0 | Excelsus super omnes gentes | 800152 | 2 | PL-WRu R 503 | F-TOm 149 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 061r | N | R | 0 | Ab occultis meis* | 600013 | 0 |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | M | H | 0 | Primo dierum* | 008373 | 10 | I-VCd CLXX | I-BV V 19 | PL-KIk 1 | F-VAL 114 | E-H (Huesca) Ms. 2 | E-Bbc (Barcelona) Ms. 619 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30850 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | PL-Klk 1 Antyfonarz kielecki | D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum |
GB-AB 20541 E | 060v | P | A | 0 | Semen cecidit in terram bonam | 004859 | 75 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 061r | V2 | A | M | Qui verbum dei retinent corde | 004503 | 65 | » Display |
GB-AB 20541 E | 058r | V | H | 0 | Deus creator* | 008292 | 12 | » Display |