
Displaying 1 - 1000 of 1794

All feasts | Sanctorale in order by date

Feast Feast date Feast code Notes Analysis Tool
Abdonis, Sennis

Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs

Jul.30 14073000 Analyse
Acacii et sociorum

Acacius and companions, Martyrs

Jun.22 14062220 Analyse
Ad aquam benedictio

Chants for the blessing of water


RENAME TO "Benedictio aquae"?

Ad aspersionem aquae benedictae

For the sprinkling of Holy Water

16023000 Analyse
Ad aspersionem aquae benedictae TP

For the sprinkling of Holy Water in Eastertide

16023080 Analyse
Ad Benedicite

Antiphons for the Benedicite canticle

16001000 Analyse
Ad Benedictus

Antiphons for the Benedictus canticle

16002000 Analyse
Ad Completorium

For Compline

16006000 Analyse
Ad lavandum altaria

Chants for the washing of the altar

16024000 Analyse
Ad Magnificat

Antiphons for the Magnificat canticle

16003000 Analyse
Ad Mandatum

At the Mandatum (Foot-Washing)

07065010 Analyse
Ad Missam

Mass chants appearing as a group

16012000 Analyse
Ad Nunc Dimittis

Antiphons for the Nunc Dimittis canticle

16005000 Analyse
Ad Nunc Dimittis TP

Antiphons for the Nunc Dimittis canticle, Eastertide

16005080 Analyse
Ad Processionem

For Processions

16009000 Analyse
Ad Suffragium

Memorial chants

15000000 Analyse
Ad visitandum infirmum

Chants for the visiting of the sick

16013000 Analyse

Adalbert of Prague, Bishop and Martyr

Apr.23 14042310 Analyse

In week after Adalbert

14042318 Analyse
Adalhardi Corbeiensis

Adalard (Adalhard) of Corbie, Abbot

Jan.2 14010220

Holweck, p. 14;


Adelaide, Empress

Dec.16 14121600

Empress (931-999)


Added or Miscellaneous Items

17001000 Analyse

Adrian, Martyr

Sep.10 14091000 Analyse
Adventus Ewaldorum

Arrival of the Ewald brothers' relics (heads) in Muenster

Oct.29 14102910 Analyse
Adventus Walburgae

The Departure of Walburga from England (to found a religious house in Bischofsheim)

Aug.4 14080410 Analyse

Aegidius (Giles), Abbot

Sep.1 14090100 Analyse
Aemigdii, Episc. et Martyr

Emygdius (Emidius), Bishop Martyr

Aug.5 14080530

Holweck, p. 319; celebrated on Aug. 9 after 1913

Aemiliani Cucullati

Aemilianus Cucullatus, Confessor, Relics in San Millan de la Cogolla

Nov.12 14111220 Analyse

Afra, Martyr

Aug.5 14080500 Analyse

Agapitus, Martyr

Aug.18 14081800 Analyse

In week after Agapitus

14081808 Analyse

Agatha, Virgin Martyr

Feb.5 14020500 Analyse

In week after Agatha

14020508 Analyse

Agnes, Virgin Martyr

Jan.21 14012100 Analyse
Agnetis Assisiensis

Agnes of Assisi, younger sister to Clare

Nov.16 14111610

Holweck, p. 33;

Agnetis secundo

The memory of Agnes ("a remnant of an ancient octave," Holweck, p. 33)


In week after Agnes

14012108 Analyse

Agricius, first documented bishop of Trier

Jan. 13 14011300 Analyse

Aichardus (Achard, Aichadrus, Aycadrius), Abbot

Sep.15 14091520 Analyse
Albani, Mart.

Albanus (Alban) of Mainz, Martyr

Jun.21 14062100 Analyse

Albert of Trapani, Confessor and Carmelite Friar

Aug.7 14080720 Analyse
Alberti Magni

Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus), Bishop of Regensburg and "Doctor Universalis"

Nov.15 14111550

Holweck, pp. 40-41;

Albini, Epi.

Albinus (Aubin), Bishop of Angers

Mar.1 14030100 Analyse

Aldegundis, Virgin

Jan.30 14013000 Analyse
Alexandri et sociorum

Alexander and Eventius, Martyrs

May.3 14050310 Analyse

Alexis, the Man of God

Jul.17 14071700 Analyse
Allatio capillorum BMV

Celebrated 1st Sunday after Ascension Domini.

Aloisii Gonzagae

Aloysius (Luigi) Gonzaga, Confessor, Patron of youthful Catholic students

Jun.21 14062120

Holweck, p. 52;

Alphonsi Mariae de Ligorio

Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church

Aug.2 14080210

Holweck, p. 53;


Amand (Amandus), Bishop

Feb.6 14020620 Analyse

Amatus, Bishop of Sens

Oct.19 14101900 Analyse

Amator (Amatre), Bishop of Auxerre

May.1 14050130 Analyse

Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Doctor

Apr.4 14040400 Analyse
Ambrosii TP

Ambrose, Eastertide

Apr.4 14040480 Analyse

Anastasius the Persian, Martyr

Jan.22 14012210 Analyse

Andrew, Apostle

Nov.30 14113000 Analyse
Andreae Avellini

Andrew, Avellino (Lancelotto), Confessor

Nov.10 14111010

Holweck, p. 72;

Andreae Corsini

Andrew Corsini, Carmelite "apostle of Florence"

Feb.4 14020400

14th century Carmelite who is called "the apostle of Florence;" canonized in 1629;


In week after Andrew

14113008 Analyse
Angelae Mericiae

Angela Merici, Virgin, Foundress of the Ursuline Order of Nuns

May.31 14053120

Holweck, p. 75;

Angeli Custodis

For Guardian Angels

Oct.2 14100220 Analyse

Anianus (Aignan), Bishop of Orleans

Nov.17 14111710 Analyse

Anne, Mother of Mary

Jul.26 14072610 Analyse
Annuntiatio Mariae

Annunciation of Mary (Lady Day)

Mar.25 14032500 Analyse
Annuntiatio Mariae, Dom. infra oct.

Sunday after Annunciation of Mary

14032501 Analyse
Annuntiatio Mariae,8

In week after Annunciation of Mary

14032508 Analyse
Annuntiatio TP

Annunciation of Mary, Eastertide

Mar.25 14032580 Analyse

Anselm, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church

Apr.21 14042100

Holweck, pp. 81-2;


Anskar, Bishop and Confessor

Feb.3 14020310

Dates: 801-865

Antiphonae Majores

Great 'O' Antiphons

01048010 Analyse

Antony, Abbot

Jan.17 14011700 Analyse
Antonii Mariae Claret

Antonio Maria Claret y Clara, Bishop, Confessor, Spanish Prelate and Missionary

Oct.23 14102330 Analyse
Antonii Mariae Zaccaria

Antonio Maria Zaccaria, Confessor, Founder of the Clerks Regular of St. Paul (Barnabites)

Jul.5 14070500

Holweck, p. 90;

Antonii Patavini

Anthony of Padua, Doctor

Jun.13 14061300 Analyse

Antoninus, Martyr

Sep.2 14090200

Holweck, p. 87;

Antonini Episcopi

Antoninus, Archbishop of Florence

May.10 14051010

Holweck, pp. 86-7;


Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna

Jul.23 14072320 Analyse

Apollonia, Virgin Martyr

Feb.9 14020900

Holweck, p. 96;

Appar. Michaelis

Appearing of Michael the Archangel

May.8 14050800 Analyse
Aquilae, Priscae

Aquila and Prisca, Virgin Martyrs

Jan.18 14011810 Analyse
Arbogasti Argentoratensis

Arbogast, Bishop of Strasbourg

Aredii Nivernensis

Aredius (Aregius, Arigius, Agricius, Aré) of Nevers, Bishop

Aug.16 14081660

Holweck, p. 102;


Arnulf, Bishop of Metz

Aug.16 14081600 Analyse
Arnulfi Metensis

Arnulfus (Arnoul), Bishop of Metz

Jul.18 14071810 Analyse
Ascensio Domini

Ascension Thursday

08065000 Analyse
Ascensio Domini,8

In week after Ascension

08065008 Analyse
Ascensionis Domini, in vigilia

Eve of Ascension


^formerly "Vig. Ascensionis Domini"

Assumptio Mariae

Assumption of Mary

Aug.15 14081500 Analyse
Assumptio Mariae,8

In week after Assumption of Mary

14081508 Analyse

Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria

May.2 14050200 Analyse

Attala (Atala, Attalia, Attale) of Strasbourg, first abbess of convent of St Stephen


Aubert (Aubertus), Bishop of Cambrai

Dec.13 14121310 Analyse

Audoenus (Ouen), Bishop of Rouen

Aug.24 14082410 Analyse

Audomarus (Omer), Bishop

Sep.9 14090920 Analyse

Augustine, Bishop and Doctor

Aug.28 14082800 Analyse
Augustini Cant.

Augustine (Austin), of Canterbury

May.26 14052610 Analyse
Augustini, conv.

Conversion of Augustine, Bishop and Doctor

May.5 14050510

Holweck, pp. 119-20;


In week after Augustine

14082808 Analyse

Aurea, Abbess in Paris

Oct.4 14100410

Holweck, p. 121;

Aureae Ostiensis

Aurea (Chryse) of Ostia

Aug.24 14082430

Holweck, pp. 120-21;

Aureliae Argentoratensis

Aurelia, Virgin (4th century)


Austremonius (Stremoine), Bishop, Martyr, Apostle of Auvergne

Nov.1 14110160

Holweck, p. 123;


Avitus, Abbot and Confessor, born at Aurillac

Jun.17 14061720

Holweck, p.126


Babolenus, Abbot

Jun.26 14062610 Analyse

Babylas, Martyr, 12th Bishop of Antioch

Jan.24 14012420

Holweck, p. 127;

Babylae Pampilonensis

Babylas, Bishop of Pamplona

Oct.30 14103020

not in Holweck;


Balbina, Virgin Martyr

Aug.28 14082850 Analyse

Balthildis (Bathildis), Queen

Jan.30 14013010 Analyse

Barbara, Virgin Martyr

Dec.4 14120400 Analyse

Barbatus (Barbas), Bishop of Benevento

Feb.19 14021900 Analyse

Barnabas, Apostle

Jun.11 14061100 Analyse

Bartholomew, Apostle

Aug.24 14082400 Analyse
Basilidis et sociorum

Basilides and companions (Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius), Martyrs

Jun.12 14061200

Holweck, p. 726;


Basil of Ancyra, Martyr

Jan.2 14010200 Analyse
Basilii, Doct.

Basil the Great, Doctor

Jun.14 14061400 Analyse

Bavo (Aldowin, Allowin) of Ghent

Oct.1 14100140

Holweck, p. 143;

Beata Mariae Virginis Omnium Gratiarum Mediatricis
Beatae Mariae Virginis de Mercede
Sep.24 Analyse

The Venerable Bede, Doctor

May.26 14052600 Analyse

Benedicta, Virgin Martyr

Oct.8 14100810 Analyse

Benedict, Abbot

Mar.21 14032100 Analyse
Benedicti Anianensis

Benedict of Aniane, Abbot

Feb.11 14021100

Holweck, p. 146;

Benedicti Josephi Labre Conf.
Benedicti TP

Benedict, Eastertide

Mar.21 14032180 Analyse
Benedicti, Fer.3

Benedict, for Tuesday within the octave

14032103 Analyse

In week after Benedict

14032108 Analyse
Benedictio crucis

Chants for the blessing of the cross

16048000 Analyse

Benignus of Dijon, Martyr

Nov.1 14110140 Analyse

Bernard, Abbot and Doctor

Aug.20 14082010 Analyse

In week after Bernard

14082018 Analyse
Bernardini Senensis

Bernardinus degl' Albizzeschi of Siena, Confessor

May.20 14052010

Holweck, p. 155;

Bernardini Senensis, transl.

Moving of relics of Bernardinus degl' Albizzeschi of Siena

May.17 14051710

Holweck, p. 155 (May 18);

Bernwardi Episcopi Hildesheimensis

Bernward, Bishop of Hildesheim

Nov.20 14112020

Holweck, p. 156;

Bibianae Virginis et Martyris
Dec.2 Analyse

Bridget of Sweden, Matron

Oct.8 14100840 Analyse
Birgittae Viduae
Oct.8 Analyse

Blaise, Bishop of Sebastea, Martyr

Feb.3 14020300 Analyse

In week after Blaise

14020308 Analyse
BMV a Rosario

Our Lady of the Rosary

Oct.7 14100730

Holweck, p. 674; Beatae Mariae Virginis de Rosario;

BMV ab Exilio

Our Lady of Exile (on the third Sunday after Epiphany)


Holweck, p. 675;

BMV de Bono Consilio

Our Lady of Good Counsel

Apr.26 14042600

Holweck, p. 674; Beatae Mariae Virginis de Bono Consilio;

BMV de Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Dec.12 14121210

Holweck, p. 676; Beatae Mariae Virginis de Guadalupe;

BMV de Monte Carmelo

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Jul.16 14071610

Holweck, p. 673;

BMV de Perpetuo Succursu

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Jun.27 14062730

Beatae Mariae Virginis de Perpetuo Succursu;

BMV Immaculatae a Sacro Numismate

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Nov.27 14112700

Beatae Mariae Virginis a Sacro Numismate;


Bonaventure, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church

Jul.14 14071420

Holweck, pp. 164-5;


Boniface, Archbishop and Martyr

Jun.5 14060500 Analyse
Bonifatii Martyris
May.14 Analyse

Bononius, Abbot, Disciple of Romuald

Aug.30 14083010

Holweck, p. 168;


Botulph, Abbot, founder of Ikanhoe monastery

Jun.17 14061710

Holweck, p. 168;


Botwid (Botwin), Martyr

Jul.28 14072820

Holweck, p. 168; https://medieval.wiki.uib.no/Sanctus_Botvidus


Brice, Bishop of Tours

Nov.13 14111300 Analyse

In week after Brice

14111308 Analyse

Brigid (Bride), Abbess

Feb.1 14020100 Analyse
Brunonis Abbatis

Bruno, Abbot, Founder of the Carthusian Order

Oct.6 14100610

Holweck, pp. 173-74;


Burchard (Burkhard), Bishop and Confessor

Oct.14 14101410 Analyse

Cecilia (Cecily), Virgin Martyr

Nov.22 14112200 Analyse

In week after Cecilia

14112208 Analyse
Caesarii Arelatensis

Caesarius, Archbishop of Arles

Aug.27 14082700

Holweck, p. 178;

Caesarii, Juliani

Caesarius and Julian, Martyrs

Nov.1 14110130 Analyse
Cajetani Confessoris
Aug.7 Analyse

Callistus (Calixtus) I, Pope

Oct.14 14101400 Analyse
Camilli de Lellis

Camillus de Lellis, Confessor, Founder of the Canons Regular of a Good Death (Infirmis Ministrantium)

Jul.18 14071820

Holweck, p. 186; July 14, 15, or 18;


Candidus, Martyr, at Innichen, diocese of Brixen, Tyrol

Dec.1 14120110

Holweck, p. 187 ("there [at Innichen] he is believed to have been bishop of Reims, but Reims never had a Candidus amongst its bishops");


Cainnech of Aghaboe (Canice, Cannicus, Kenneth, Kenny), Abbot

Oct.11 14101140

Holweck, p. 188;


Cantius, Cantianus and Cantianilla, Martyrs

May.31 14053100 Analyse
Canuti Regis, Martyris
Jan.19 Analyse
Caprasii, Abb.

Caprasius, Abbot of Lerins

Jun.1 14060110

Holweck, p. 189;

Caprasii, Mart.

Caprasius, Martyr, of Agen

Oct.20 14102000

Holweck, p. 189;


Caraunus, Deacon and Martyr

May.28 14052810 Analyse
Caroli Episcopi Confessoris
Nov.4 Analyse
Caroli Magni

Charlemagne, Emperor and Confessor

Jan.28 14012810

formerly 'Karoli Magni'

Casimiri Confessoris
Mar.1 Analyse

Castulus, Martyr

Mar.26 14032610

Holweck, pp.195-6;


Catharine of Alexandria, Martyr

Nov.25 14112500

Holweck, p. 198;

Catharinae Bononiensis

Catharine of Bologna, Poor Clare and mystical writer (canonized 1712)

Mar.9 14030920

Holweck, p. 197;

Catharinae Senensis

Catherine of Siena

Apr.29 14042920

Holweck, p.197;

Cathedra Petri

Peter's Chair

Feb.22 14022200 Analyse
Celsi Treverensis

Celsus, Confessor, reputed 5th Bishop of Trier (Treves)

Jan.4 14010400

Holweck, p. 201;

NOTE: Holweck (p. 201): "In the 2nd century there were no bishops at Treves."

Celsi Treverensis, invent.

Finding of Celsus of Trier's relics (in 980)

Feb.23 14022320

Holweck, p. 201;

NOTE: Holweck (p. 201): "In the 2nd century there were no bishops at Treves."

Celsi, Juliani

Celsus and Julian, Martyrs

Jan.9 14010900

Holweck, p. 201: "Since the acts of S. Julian are fictitious, the existence of this martyr [Celsus] must be questioned."; Holweck, p. 570;


Chlodoaldus (Cloud), Frankish prince

Sep.7 14090720 Analyse
Chlotildis Regina

Chlothildis (Clotilda, Clotilde), Queen of France

Jun.3 14060310

Holweck, p. 207;


Christina, Virgin Martyr

Jul.24 14072400 Analyse

Christopher, Martyr

Jul.25 14072510 Analyse
Chrysanthi, Dariae

Chrysanthus, Daria, Maurus, Martyrs

Nov.29 14112910 Analyse

Chrysogonus, Martyr

Nov.24 14112400 Analyse
Circumcisio Domini

The circumcision of Christ

Jan.1 02010110

specifically for chants related to Circumcision (not Octave of Christmas)


Clare of Assisi, Foundress of the Poor Clares

Aug.12 14081200

Holweck, p. 214;

Clarae, inventio

The finding of Clare's relics

Sep.23 14092310

Holweck, p. 214;

Claudii commentariensis, Symphoriani, Nicostrati et sociorum

Claudius, his sons Felicissimus and Symphorianus, his brother Victorinus, and Castor the brother of the jailer Nicostratus, Roman Martyrs

Jul.7 14070740

Holweck, pp. 216-7; legend of S. Sebastian; compare to the feast of "Four Crowned Martyrs" (Nov.8, 14110800)


Clement I, Pope and Martyr

Nov.23 14112300 Analyse
Clementis Metensis

Clement, first Bishop of Metz

Nov.23 14112340

Holweck, p. 219;


In week after Clement

14112308 Analyse

Cleophas, father of James the Less

Sep.25 14092510 Analyse
Cleti et Marcellini Pont. Mart.
Apr.26 Analyse

Coloman, Martyr

Oct.13 14101320 Analyse

Columba of Sens, Virgin Martyr

Dec.31 14123110 Analyse

Columbanus (Columban), Abbot

Nov.23 14112330 Analyse
Comm. Aniceti I Papae et Martyris
Apr.17 Analyse
Comm. Apostolorum

Common of Apostles

12001000 Analyse
Comm. Apostolorum et Evangelistarum

Common of Apostles and Evangelists

12019000 Analyse
Comm. Apostolorum post Septuagesima

Common of Apostles, after Septuagesima

12601000 Analyse
Comm. Apostolorum sive Martyrum TP

Common of Apostles or Martyrs, Eastertide

12801100 Analyse
Comm. Apostolorum TP

Common of Apostles, Eastertide

12801000 Analyse
Comm. Apostolorum TQ

Common of Apostles, Lent

12701000 Analyse
Comm. Apostolorum,8

Common of Apostles, in week of

12001008 Analyse
Comm. Conjungium

Common of Holy Matrons

12012000 Analyse
Comm. Conjungium Martyrum

Common of Holy Matron Martyrs

12012200 Analyse
Comm. Conjungium non Martyrum

Common of Holy Matrons (not Martyrs)

12012100 Analyse
Comm. duorum Apostolorum

Common of two Apostles

12001200 Analyse
Comm. Evangelistarum

Common of Evangelists

12011000 Analyse
Comm. Evangelistarum TP

Common of Evangelists, Eastertide

12811000 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Apostolorum in vigilia

Eve of Apostles

12001010 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Confessorum

Common of several Confessors

12005000 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Confessorum et Doctorum

Common of several Confessors (Doctors)

12005300 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Confessorum non Pontificum

Common of several Confessors (not Popes)

12005200 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Confessorum non Pontificum TP

Common of several Confessors (not Popes), Eastertide

12805200 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Confessorum Pontificum

Common of several Confessors (Popes)

12005100 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Confessorum TP

Common of several Confessors, Eastertide

12805000 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Martyrum

Common of several Martyrs

12003000 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Martyrum in vigilia

Eve of several Martyrs

12003010 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Martyrum non Virginum

Common of several Martyrs (not Virgins)

12003100 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Martyrum TP

Common of several Martyrs, Eastertide

12803000 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Martyrum,8

Common of several Martyrs, in week of

12003008 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Virginum

Common of several Virgins

12006000 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Virginum in vigilia

Eve of several Virgins

12006010 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Virginum Martyrum

Common of several Virgin Martyrs

12006100 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Virginum non Martyrum

Common of several Virgins (not Martyrs)

12006200 Analyse
Comm. plurimorum Virginum TP

Common of several Virgins, Eastertide

12806000 Analyse
Comm. Pontificis

Common of Popes

12018000 Analyse
Comm. Regum

Common of Kings

12009000 Analyse
Comm. unius Abbatis

Common of one Abbot

12010000 Analyse
Comm. unius Apostoli

Common of one Apostle

12001100 Analyse
Comm. unius Apostoli in vigilia

Eve of one Apostle

12001110 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris

Common of one Confessor

12004000 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris Abbatis

Common of one Confessor (Abbot)

12004200 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris et Doctoris

Common of one Confessor (Doctor)

12004500 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris et Doctoris non Pontificis

Common of one Confessor (Doctor, not Pope)

12004800 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris et Episcopi

Common of one Confessor (Bishop)

12004300 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris et Episcopi,8

Common of one Confessor (Bishop), in week of

12004308 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris non Episcopus

Common of one Confessor (not Bishop)

12004400 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris non Pontificis

Common of one Confessor (not Pope)

12004700 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris non Pontificis TP

Common of one Confessor (not Pope), Eastertide

12804700 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris non Sacerdotis

Common of one Confessor (not Priest)

12004600 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris Pontificis

Common of one Confessor (Pope)

12004100 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris Pontificis TP

Common of one Confessor (Pope), Eastertide

12804100 Analyse
Comm. unius Confessoris TP

Common of one Confessor, Eastertide

12804000 Analyse
Comm. unius electae

Common of those chosen (not Virgins, not Martyrs)

12022000 Analyse
Comm. unius Martyris

Common of one Martyr

12002000 Analyse
Comm. unius Martyris in vigilia

Eve of one Martyr

12002010 Analyse
Comm. unius Martyris non Pontificis

Common of one Martyr (not Pope)

12002200 Analyse
Comm. unius Martyris non Pontificis TP

Common of one Martyr (not Pope), Eastertide

12802200 Analyse
Comm. unius Martyris non Virginis

Common of one Martyr (not Virgin)

12002300 Analyse
Comm. unius Martyris Pontificis

Common of one Martyr (Pope)

12002100 Analyse
Comm. unius Martyris TP

Common of one Martyr, Eastertide

12802000 Analyse
Comm. unius Virginis

Common of one Virgin

12007100 Analyse
Comm. unius Virginis Martyris

Common of one Virgin Martyr

12007000 Analyse
Comm. unius Virginis non Martyris

Common of one Virgin (not Martyr)

12007200 Analyse
Comm. unius Virginis TP

Common of one Virgin, Eastertide

12807100 Analyse
Commem. Dom. Res.

Commemoration of Easter (last Sunday before Advent)


according to Sibert's ordinal

Commem. Francisci

The commemoration of Francis of Assisi; anniversary of religious profession;  anniversary of Papal approval for the first Franciscan Rule

Apr.16 14041600

Holweck, pp. 398-399;

Commendat. Animae

Chants for the commendation of souls

13002000 Analyse
Commune plurium non Virginum. Pro non Martyribus
Commune plurium Virginum. Pro Martyribus
Compassio Mariae TP

The Sorrows of Mary, celebrated Friday after third Sun. after Easter

08046010 Analyse
Conceptio Jo. Bapt.

The conception of John the Baptist

Sep.24 14092430 Analyse
Conceptio Mariae

Immaculate Conception of Mary

Dec.8 14120800 Analyse


16008000 Analyse

Conrad, Bishop of Constance

Nov.26 14112620 Analyse
Consecratio virginis

Rite for the consecration of a virgin.


c.f. "Virgin" rites in Usuarium: https://usuarium.elte.hu/indexlabel/116/view


Constantius, Bishop of Perugia

Jan.29 14012920 Analyse
Constantini, Peregr.

Constantine and Peregrine, Bishops

Jun.15 14061540 Analyse
Conversio Afrae

Conversion of Afra

Oct.26 14102610 Analyse
Conversio Pauli

Conversion of Paul

Jan.25 14012500 Analyse

Corbinianus, Abbot and Bishop

Sep.8 14090820 Analyse
Cornelii, Cypriani

Cornelius and Cyprian, Martyrs

Sep.16 14091600 Analyse

Corona, Martyr

May.14 14051420 Analyse
Corporis Christi

Corpus Christi (also "Blessed Sacrament")

09015000 Analyse
Corporis Christi,8

In week after Corpus Christi

09015008 Analyse
Cosmae, Damiani

Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs

Sep.27 14092700

Holweck, p. 240 (Sep 21; Oct 17-Old Hispanic; Jul 1-Syrian; Nov 18-Coptic); Grotefend online (Sep 26-Breslau, Köln, Krakau; Oct 2-Halle, Kreuzherren; Oct 22-Milan);


Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs

Oct.25 14102500 Analyse

Cucuphas, Martyr

Jul.25 14072530 Analyse

Cunibertus (Quinibert), Bishop of Cologne

Nov.12 14111210 Analyse

Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne

Mar.20 14032000 Analyse

Cuthberga, First Abbess of Wimborne

Aug.31 14083120 Analyse
Cyri, Joannis

Cyrus and John, Martyrs

Jan.31 14013100 Analyse
Cyriaci et sociorum

Cyriacus and companions, Martyrs

Aug.8 14080800 Analyse

Cyricus and Julitta, Martyrs

Jun.16 14061600 Analyse

In week after Cyricus

14061608 Analyse
Cyrilli Alexandrini

Cyril (Cyrillus), Confessor, Patriarch of Alexandria and Doctor of the Church

Jan.28 14012820

feast date changed to Feb. 9 in 1882; other feast dates include Jun. 8, Jun. 9, Jun. 18, Jun. 27 (Holweck, p. 255);

Cyrilli Episcopi Hierosolymitani, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris
Mar.18 Analyse
Cyrilli et Methodii Pont., Conf.
Jul.7 Analyse

Damasus, Pope

Dec.11 14121100 Analyse

David of Wales, Monk and Bishop

Mar.1 14030110 Analyse
De allatione reliquiarum in ecclesia Pragensis

Showing of relics in St Vitus's Cathedral, Prague

Jan.2 14010210

local feast; not in Holweck

De Angelis

Memorial chants for Angels, including e.g. Missa Votiva de Angelis. Feria III.

12013000 Analyse
De Angelis TP

Memorial chants for Angels, Eastertide

12813000 Analyse

Votive Mass/Office for Mary

15008000 Analyse
De BMV Adv.

Votive Mass/Office for Mary, Advent

15008010 Analyse
De BMV Nat.

Votive Mass/Office for Mary, Christmas

15008030 Analyse
De BMV post Ascen.

Votive Mass/Office for Mary, after Ascension

15008110 Analyse
De BMV post Epiph.

Votive Mass/Office for Mary, after Epiphany

15008050 Analyse
De BMV post Pent.

Votive Mass/Office for Mary, after Pentecost

15008090 Analyse
De BMV post Purif.

Votive Mass/Office for Mary, after Purification

15008100 Analyse

Votive Mass/Office for Mary, Eastertide

15008080 Analyse
De caritate

Chants for charity

16025000 Analyse
De consecratione caemeteriorum

For the consecration of cemeteries

16046000 Analyse
De corona domini

Crown of the Lord

De Corona Spinea

Commemoration of the Crown of Thorns

Aug.11 14081120 Analyse
De Esdras

Summer Histories, from Esdras

10700000 Analyse
De Esther

Summer Histories, from Esther

10600000 Analyse
De festis duplicibus

Chants for feasts of duplex rank

16016000 Analyse
De festis duplicibus majoribus

Chants for feasts of duplex major rank

16016002 Analyse
De festis duplicibus majoribus TP

Chants for feasts of duplex major rank in Eastertide

16016082 Analyse
De festis duplicibus minoribus

Chants for feasts of duplex minor rank

16016001 Analyse
De festis duplicibus minoribus TP

Duplex minor feasts in Eastertide

16016081 Analyse
De festis semiduplicibus

Chants for feasts of semiduplex rank

16015000 Analyse
De festis semiduplicibus TP

Chants for feasts of semiduplex rank in Eastertide

16015080 Analyse
De festis simplicibus

Chants for feasts of simple rank

16039000 Analyse
De festis sollemnibus

Chants for solemn feasts

16051000 Analyse
De Imagine Domini

The Icon of our Lord Saviour

Nov.9 14110900 Analyse
De Job

Summer Histories, from Job

10300000 Analyse
De Judith

Summer Histories, from Judith

10500000 Analyse
De Machabaeis

Summer Histories, from Maccabees

10800000 Analyse
De Patriarchis

Memorial chants for Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob)

12020000 Analyse
De Patronis

Memorial chants for Patrons

12014000 Analyse
De pluribus Sanctis TP

Common of several Saints, Eastertide

12815100 Analyse
De Prophetis

Summer Histories, from the Prophets

10900000 Analyse
De Psalmis
De quinque vulneribus Christi

The Five Wounds of Christ (celebrated on the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi in Mainz and on a variety of other days in different locations)

09026000 Analyse
De Regum

Summer Histories, from Kings

10100000 Analyse
De Sancta Cruce

Votive Mass/Office for the Holy Cross, including e.g. Missa Votiva de Sancta Cruce. Fer. VI.

15011000 Analyse
De Sancta Lancea

The Holy Lance; on the Friday after the Octave of Easter

08026010 Analyse
De Sanctis

Memorial chants for Saints

12015000 Analyse
De Sanctis Ordinis Benedictini

Saints of the Benedictine Order

12016000 Analyse
De Sanctis TP

Common of Saints, Eastertide

12815000 Analyse
De Sapientia

Summer Histories, from Wisdom

10200000 Analyse
De secunda allatione reliquiarum in ecclesia Pragensis

A second showing of relics in St Vitus's Cathedral, Prague

Jan.8 14010820

local feast; not in Holweck

De Spiritu Sancto

Votive Mass/Office for the Holy Spirit, including, e.g. Missa Votiva de Spiritu Sancto. Feria V.

15002000 Analyse
De Susceptione Regum
De Tobia

Summer Histories, from Tobias

10400000 Analyse
De Trinitate

Trinity Sunday

09011000 Analyse
De Trinitate,8

In the week after Trinity Sunday

09011008 Analyse
De uno defuncto

For one dead person

13009000 Analyse
De victoriae christianorum apud Salado

Commemoration of the victory of the Christians at the Battle of Rio Salado (also known as the Battle of Tarifa), 30 October 1340

Oct.30 14103010 Analyse
De Viduarum

Memorial chants for widows

12021000 Analyse
Decem Millium Martyrum

Ten Thousand Martyrs (crucified on Mount Ararat)

Jun.22 14062240

Hampson, Medii Evi Kalendarium (1841), Vol. II, p.67 (GoogleBooks)

Decoll. Antonini

Beheading of Antoninus

Jul.4 14070410 Analyse
Decoll. Jo. Bapt.

Beheading of John the Baptist

Aug.29 14082900 Analyse

Dedication of Mont-Saint-Michel

Oct.16 14101630 Analyse
Dedic. Bas. S. Petri

Dedication of Saint Peter's, Rome

Nov.18 14111820 Analyse
Dedic. S.Salv., Mar.

Dedication of the Church of the Holy Saviour, St. Martial (Limoges)

Oct.13 14101340 Analyse

Demetrius, Martyr

Oct.8 14100850 Analyse
Depositio Emerici

Commemoration of the Burial of Emeric, Confessor, Son of King Stephen of Hungary

Sep.2 14090210

Holweck (p. 318); Grotefend = "Depositio" (Internet)

Depositio Ludgeri

Commemoration of the Burial of Ludger

Apr.24 14042420

in Muenster

Descensio Mariae

Descent of the Virgin Mary (commemoration of the appearance of the Virgin Mary to Saint Ildephonsus)

Jan.24 Analyse
Desiderii Lingon

Desiderius (Didier), Martyr, Bishop of Langres

May.23 14052300

Holweck, p. 272;

Didaci Confessoris
Nov.13 Analyse
Die 2 p. Assump.

First day after Assumption of Mary

Aug.16 14081620 Analyse
Die 2 p. Epiphaniam

1st day after Epiphany (2nd day "of" Epiphany)

Jan.7 05010700 Analyse
Die 3 a. Nat. Domini

The third day before Christmas

Dec.23 02122300 Analyse
Die 3 p. Assump.

Second day after Assumption of Mary

Aug.17 14081720 Analyse
Die 3 p. Epiphaniam

2nd day after Epiphany (3rd day "of" Epiphany)

Jan.8 05010800 Analyse
Die 4 p. Assump.

Third day after Assumption of Mary

Aug.18 14081820 Analyse
Die 4 p. Epiphaniam

3rd day after Epiphany (4th day "of" Epiphany)

Jan.9 05010900 Analyse
Die 5 a. Nat. Domini

The fifth day before Christmas

Dec.21 02122100

in later times, this conflicts with the office of Thomas;

Die 5 p. Assump.

Fourth day after Assumption of Mary

Aug.19 14081910 Analyse
Die 5 p. Epiphaniam

4th day after Epiphany (5th day of Epiphany)

Jan.10 05011000 Analyse
Die 5 p. Nat. Domini

4th day after Christmas

Dec.29 02122900 Analyse
Die 6 p. Assump.

Fifth day after Assumption of Mary

Aug.20 14082020 Analyse
Die 6 p. Epiphaniam

5th day after Epiphany (6th day "of" Epiphany

Jan.11 05011100 Analyse
Die 6 p. Nat. Domini

5th day after Christmas

Dec.30 02123000 Analyse
Die 7 p. Assump.

Sixth day after Assumption of Mary

Aug.21 14082100 Analyse
Die 7 p. Epiphaniam

6th day after Epiphany (7th day "of" Epiphany)

Jan.12 05011200 Analyse
Die 7 p. Nat. Domini

6th day after Christmas

Dec.31 02123100 Analyse

Denis (Dionysius), Bishop of Paris

Oct.9 14100900 Analyse

In week after Denis, Bishop of Paris

14100908 Analyse

Disibod, Bishop and Patron of Disibodenberg

Sep.8 14090840

Holweck, p.282;

Divisio Apostolorum

Sending forth of the Apostles

Jul.15 14071510 Analyse
Dom. 1 Adventus

1st Sunday of Advent

01011000 Analyse
Dom. 1 p. Epiph.,8

In the week following the 1st Sunday after Epiphany

05011018 Analyse
Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam

1st Sunday after Epiphany (Sunday within the octave of Epiphany, 'Dom. Infra Oct. Epiph.')

05011010 Analyse
Dom. 1 p. Oct. Corporis Christi

Sunday after the Octave of Corpus Christi

09031010 Analyse
Dom. 1 p. Pent.

1st Sunday after Pentecost

09011010 Analyse
Dom. 1 Quadragesimae

1st Sunday of Lent

07011000 Analyse
Dom. 10 p. Pent.

10th Sunday after Pentecost

09101000 Analyse
Dom. 10 p. Pent.,8

In 11th week after Pentecost

09101008 Analyse
Dom. 11 p. Pent.

11th Sunday after Pentecost

09111000 Analyse
Dom. 11 p. Pent.,8

In 12th week after Pentecost

09111008 Analyse
Dom. 12 p. Pent.

12th Sunday after Pentecost

09121000 Analyse
Dom. 12 p. Pent.,8

In 13th week after Pentecost

09121008 Analyse
Dom. 13 p. Pent.

13th Sunday after Pentecost

09131000 Analyse
Dom. 13 p. Pent.,8

In 14th week after Pentecost

09131008 Analyse
Dom. 14 p. Pent.

14th Sunday after Pentecost

09141000 Analyse
Dom. 14 p. Pent.,8

In 15th week after Pentecost

09141008 Analyse
Dom. 15 p. Pent.

15th Sunday after Pentecost

09151000 Analyse
Dom. 15 p. Pent.,8

In 16th week after Pentecost

09151008 Analyse
Dom. 16 p. Pent.

16th Sunday after Pentecost

09161000 Analyse
Dom. 16 p. Pent.,8

In 17th week after Pentecost

09161008 Analyse
Dom. 17 p. Pent.

17th Sunday after Pentecost

09171000 Analyse
Dom. 17 p. Pent.,8

In 18th week after Pentecost

09171008 Analyse
Dom. 18 p. Pent.

18th Sunday after Pentecost

09181000 Analyse
Dom. 18 p. Pent.,8

In 19th week after Pentecost

09181008 Analyse
Dom. 19 p. Pent.

19th Sunday after Pentecost

09191000 Analyse
Dom. 19 p. Pent.,8

In 20th week after Pentecost

09191008 Analyse
Dom. 2 Adventus

2nd Sunday of Advent

01021000 Analyse
Dom. 2 p. Epiph.

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

05021000 Analyse
Dom. 2 p. Epiph.,8

In the week following the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

05021008 Analyse
Dom. 2 p. Pascha

2nd Sunday after Easter

08031000 Analyse
Dom. 2 p. Pascha,8

In 3rd week after Easter

08031008 Analyse
Dom. 2 p. Pent.

2nd Sunday after Pentecost (also "Dom. 1 p. Oct. Pent.")

09021000 Analyse
Dom. 2 p. Pent.,8

In 3rd week after Pentecost

09021008 Analyse
Dom. 2 Quadragesimae

2nd Sunday of Lent

07021000 Analyse
Dom. 20 p. Pent.

20th Sunday after Pentecost

09201000 Analyse
Dom. 20 p. Pent.,8

In 21st week after Pentecost

09201008 Analyse
Dom. 21 p. Pent.

21st Sunday after Pentecost

09211000 Analyse
Dom. 21 p. Pent.,8

In 22nd week after Pentecost

09211008 Analyse
Dom. 22 p. Pent.

22nd Sunday after Pentecost

09221000 Analyse
Dom. 22 p. Pent.,8

In 23rd week after Pentecost

09221008 Analyse
Dom. 23 p. Pent.

23rd Sunday after Pentecost

09231000 Analyse
Dom. 23 p. Pent.,8

In 24th week after Pentecost

09231008 Analyse
Dom. 24 p. Pent.

24th Sunday after Pentecost

09241000 Analyse
Dom. 24 p. Pent.,8

In 25th week after Pentecost

09241008 Analyse
Dom. 25 p. Pent.

25th Sunday after Pentecost

09251000 Analyse
Dom. 26 p. Pent.

26th Sunday after Pentecost

09261000 Analyse
Dom. 27 p. Pent.

27th Sunday after Pentecost

09271000 Analyse
Dom. 28 p. Pent.

28th Sunday after Pentecost

09281000 Analyse
Dom. 3 Adventus

3rd Sunday of Advent

01031000 Analyse
Dom. 3 p. Epiph.

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

05031000 Analyse
Dom. 3 p. Pascha

3rd Sunday after Easter

08041000 Analyse
Dom. 3 p. Pascha,8

In 4th week after Easter

08041008 Analyse
Dom. 3 p. Pent.

3rd Sunday after Pentecost

09031000 Analyse
Dom. 3 p. Pent.,8

In 4th week after Pentecost

09031008 Analyse
Dom. 3 Quadragesimae

3rd Sunday of Lent

07031000 Analyse
Dom. 4 Adventus

4th Sunday of Advent

01041000 Analyse
Dom. 4 p. Epiph.

4th Sunday after Epiphany

05041000 Analyse
Dom. 4 p. Pascha

4th Sunday after Easter

08051000 Analyse
Dom. 4 p. Pascha,8

In 5th week after Easter

08051008 Analyse
Dom. 4 p. Pent.

4th Sunday after Pentecost

09041000 Analyse
Dom. 4 p. Pent.,8

In 5th week after Pentecost

09041008 Analyse
Dom. 4 Quadragesimae

4th Sunday of Lent

07041000 Analyse
Dom. 5 p. Epiph.

5th Sunday after Epiphany

05051000 Analyse
Dom. 5 p. Pascha

5th Sunday after Easter

08061000 Analyse
Dom. 5 p. Pascha,8

In 6th week after Easter

08061008 Analyse
Dom. 5 p. Pent.

5th Sunday after Pentecost

09051000 Analyse
Dom. 5 p. Pent.,8

In 6th week after Pentecost

09051008 Analyse
Dom. 6 p. Epiph.

6th Sunday after Epiphany

05061000 Analyse
Dom. 6 p. Pascha

6th Sunday after Easter

08071010 Analyse
Dom. 6 p. Pent.

6th Sunday after Pentecost

09061000 Analyse
Dom. 6 p. Pent.,8

In 7th week after Pentecost

09061008 Analyse
Dom. 7 p. Pent.

7th Sunday after Pentecost

09071000 Analyse
Dom. 7 p. Pent.,8

In 8th week after Pentecost

09071008 Analyse
Dom. 8 p. Pent.

8th Sunday after Pentecost

09081000 Analyse
Dom. 8 p. Pent.,8

In 9th week after Pentecost

09081008 Analyse
Dom. 9 p. Pent.

9th Sunday after Pentecost

09091000 Analyse
Dom. 9 p. Pent.,8

In 10th week after Pentecost

09091008 Analyse
Dom. Adventus

Sundays in Advent

01001000 Analyse
Dom. de Passione

5th Sunday of Lent (Passion Sunday)

07051000 Analyse
Dom. in Palmis

Palm Sunday

07061000 Analyse
Dom. infra Oct. Apostolorum Petri et Pauli

Sunday after Peter and Paul

14062901 Analyse
Dom. infra oct. Edithae

Sunday within the octave of Edith

14091641 Analyse
Dom. mensis Augusti

Sundays in August

11080100 Analyse
Dom. mensis Nov.

Sundays in November

11110100 Analyse
Dom. mensis Octobris

Sundays in October

11100100 Analyse
Dom. mensis Sept.

Sundays in September

11090100 Analyse
Dom. p. Assumptionem

Sunday after Assumption of Mary

14081501 Analyse
Dom. p. Cor. Christi

Sunday after Corpus Christi

09021010 Analyse
Dom. p. Epiphaniam

Sundays after Epiphany

05001000 Analyse
Dom. p. Gaugerici

Sunday after Gaugericus

14081111 Analyse
Dom. p. Jacobi

Sunday after James the Greater

14072501 Analyse
Dom. p. Jo. Bapt.

Sunday after John the Baptist

14062401 Analyse
Dom. p. Mariae Mag.

Sunday after Mary Magdalene

14072201 Analyse
Dom. p. Martini

Sunday after Martin

14111101 Analyse
Dom. p. Nat. Dom.

Sunday after Christmas

03021000 Analyse
Dom. p. Nat. Mariae

Sunday after Birthday of Mary

14090801 Analyse
Dom. p. Oct. Nat.

Sunday after Octave of Christmas

03031000 Analyse
Dom. p. Pent.

Sundays after Pentecost

09001000 Analyse
Dom. p. Rel. Ved.

Sunday after Return of Vaast's relics

14071501 Analyse
Dom. p. Tr. Vedasti

Sunday after Vaast's Translation

14100501 Analyse
Dom. p. Vedasti

Sunday after Vaast

14020601 Analyse
Dom. Pentecostes

Pentecost Sunday (also "Whitsunday")

08081000 Analyse
Dom. Pentecostes,8

In week after Pentecost

08081008 Analyse
Dom. per annum

Sundays, Ferial Office

04001000 Analyse
Dom. post Ascensionem

Sunday after Ascension

08071000 Analyse
Dom. post Dedicatione Ecclesiae

Sunday after Dedication of a Church

12008001 Analyse
Dom. Quadragesimae

Sundays in Lent

07001000 Analyse
Dom. Quinquagesimae

Quinquagesima Sunday

06031000 Analyse
Dom. Resurrect.,8

In week after Easter Sunday

08011008 Analyse
Dom. Resurrectionis

Easter Sunday

08011000 Analyse
Dom. Septuagesimae

Septuagesima Sunday

06011000 Analyse
Dom. Sexagesimae

Sexagesima Sunday

06021000 Analyse
Dom. ultima ante Adventum

The last Sunday before Advent


dominica ultima ante adventum

Dom.1 mensis Augusti

First Sunday in August

11081100 Analyse
Dom.1 mensis Nov.

First Sunday in November

11111100 Analyse
Dom.1 mensis Oct.

First Sunday in October

11101100 Analyse
Dom.1 mensis Sept.

First Sunday in September

11091100 Analyse
Dom.2 mensis Augusti

Second Sunday in August

11082100 Analyse
Dom.2 mensis Sept.

Second Sunday in September

11092100 Analyse
Dom.3 mensis Sept.

Third Sunday in September

11093100 Analyse
Dom.4 mensis Sept.

Fourth Sunday in September

11094100 Analyse

Sunday after All Saints' Day

14110101 Analyse
Dominica in estate

Sundays in summer

10001000 Analyse
Dominica TP

Sundays, Eastertide

08001000 Analyse

Dominic, founder of the Order of Friars Preachers

Aug.4 14080430

Holweck, p. 286; feastcode was previously 14080820;

Dominici Silensis

Dominic of Silos, Abbot

Dec.20 14122010

Holweck p. 286;


In week after Dominic


Holweck, p. 286; feastcode was 14080828;


Donatus, Bishop of Arezzo

Aug.7 14080700 Analyse

Donatianus, Bishop of Reims

Oct.13 14101310 Analyse

Dorothy, Virgin Martyr

Feb.6 14020610 Analyse

Dunstan, Bishop of Worcester, Archbishop of Canterbury

May.19 14051920

Holweck, p. 298;

Duodecim Fratrum

Twelve Brothers, Martyrs

Sep.1 14090140 Analyse

Eadburga, Abbess at Winchester

Jun.15 14061530 Analyse

Edith (Eadgith) of Wilton, Virgin, Daughter of King Edgar

Sep.16 14091640

Holweck, p. 303;


In week after Edith


Holweck, p. 303;


Edmund, King and Martyr

Nov.20 14112000

Holweck, p. 303

Edmundi Archiepiscopi

Edmund of Abingdon (Edmund Rich), Archbishop of Canterbury

Nov.16 14111620

Holweck, p. 303

Edwardi, Conf.

Edward III, Confessor, King of England (son of Ethelred the Unready)

Oct.13 14101330

Holweck, p. 304;

Edwardi, Conf., de morte

Death of Edward III, Confessor, King of England (son of Ethelred the Unready)

Jan.5 14010520

Holweck, p. 304;

Edwardi, Mart.

Edward "the Martyr" (son of King Edgar the Peaceful)

Mar.18 14031810

Holweck, p. 304;

Edwardi, Mart., transl.

Moving of Edward the Martyr's relics (son of King Edgar the Peaceful)

Jun.20 14062010

Holweck, p. 304; ^formerly "Transl. Edwardi, Mart."


Egbert of Iona, Bishop

Apr.24 14042400 Analyse

Egwin, Bishop of Worcester

Dec.30 14123000 Analyse

In week after Egwin

14123008 Analyse
Eleutherii Papae, Martyris
May.26 Analyse
Elev. Elis. Hung.

Elevation of Elizabeth's relics

May.2 14050210

Holweck, p. 314;

Elev. Elis. Hung.,8

In week after Elizabeth's Elevation

14050218 Analyse
Elevat. Auberti

Elevation of Aubertus's relics

Jan.24 14012410 Analyse
Elevat. Gaugerici

Elevation of Gaugericus's relics

Sep.24 14092400 Analyse
Elevatio Amandi

Elevation of Amand's relics

Sep.20 14092000 Analyse

Elijah, Prophet

Jul.20 14072020 Analyse

In week after Elijah

14072028 Analyse

Eligius (Eloi), Bishop of Noyon

Dec.1 14120100 Analyse
Elisabeth Hung.

Elizabeth of Hungary, and of Thuringia, Widow

Nov.19 14111900

Holweck, p. 314 lists Nov. 19 as her death date and feast date, but other sources (including Grotefend) give Nov. 17;

Elisabeth Hung.,8

In week after Elizabeth of Hungary

14111908 Analyse
Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae

Elisabeth (Isabel), Widow, Queen of Portugal

Jul.8 14070830

Holweck, p. 313; July 4 in Portugal, July 8 in Aragon (in 1630 granted to the Latin church for 4 July, and in 1695 transferred to 8 July by Innocent XII);


Elisha, Prophet

Jun.14 14061410 Analyse

In week after Elisha

14061418 Analyse

Emerentiana, Virgin Martyr

Jan.23 14012300 Analyse

Emeric, Confessor, Son of King Stephen of Hungary

Nov.5 14110500

Holweck, p. 318 (Nov. 4) ; "Zeitrechnung des Deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit von Dr. H. Grotefend" (http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de/gaeste/grotefend/grotefend.htm), accessed 26 May 2016;


Emmeramus, Bishop

Sep.22 14092210 Analyse
Ephraem Confessoris, Eccl. Doct.
Jun.18 Analyse


Jan.6 05010600 Analyse

In week after Epiphany

05010608 Analyse

Erasmus, Bishop and Martyr

Jun.3 14060300 Analyse

Eric IX of Sweden, King and Martyr

May.18 14051800

d. 1160; patron saint of Sweden


Eskil (Aeschilus, Aeschylus, Eskill), Bishop of Northanscog (Strengnäs) and Martyr

Jun.12 14061220

Holweck, p. 330; formerly Jun 11; died around 1076;


Ethelwold, Bishop of Wincester

Aug.1 14080130 Analyse

Eucharius, First Bishop of Trier

Dec.8 14120810

Holweck, p.333;

Eucharistici Cordis Jesu. Feria V post Festum Sacratissimi Cordis Jesu

Eugene, Martyr, Disciple of Denis

Nov.15 14111500 Analyse
Eulaliae Emeritensis

Eulalia of Mérida, Virgin Martyr

Dec.10 14121010

Holweck, pp. 337-38;


Euphemia, Virgin and Martyr

Sep.16 14091610 Analyse
Eupli, Leucii

Euplus, Deacon Martyr; and Leucius, Bishop Confessor

Aug.12 14081210 Analyse
Eusebii Episcopi

Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli

Dec.16 14121610

Holweck, p. 346;

Eusebii Romanae

Eusebius of Rome

Aug.14 14081400 Analyse

Eustachius (Eustasius, Eustace), Martyr

Sep.20 14092010

Holweck, p. 347;

Eustratii et sociorum

Eustratius and companions, Martyrs

Dec.13 14121350 Analyse

Euticius (Eutice, Euthycius), Martyr

May.15 14051500 Analyse

Eutropius, Bishop of Saintes, Martyr

Apr.30 14043010 Analyse
Evaristi Papae Martyris
Oct.26 Analyse

Evurtius (Euvert), Bishop

Sep.7 14090700 Analyse
Exalt. Crucis,8

In week after Holy Cross Day

14091408 Analyse
Exaltatio Crucis

Holy Cross Day (Exaltation of the Cross)

Sep.14 14091400 Analyse
Exceptio Marcelli

Reception of the Relics of Pope Marcellus I at Cluny

Jan.5 14010540 Analyse
Exspectationis BMV

The Expectation of Mary (The Expectation of the Birth of Jesus)

Dec.18 14121810 Analyse
Exspectationis Partus B.M.V.
Fabiani, Sebastiani

Pope Fabian and Sebastian, Martyrs

Jan.20 14012000 Analyse
Faustini, Jovitae

Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs

Feb.15 14021500 Analyse

Felix, Bishop and Martyr (falsely called Pope Felix II)

Jul.29 14072900 Analyse
Felicis Nolani

Felix of Nola, Confessor

Jan.14 14011410 Analyse
Felicis Valesius

Felix of Valois, Confessor, Founder of the Trinitarians

Nov.20 14112010

Holweck, p. 375;

Felicis, Adaucti

Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs

Aug.30 14083000 Analyse
Felicis, Pont.

Felix I, Martyr and Pope

May.30 14053000

Holweck, p. 372;

Felicis, Regulae

Felix and Regula, Martyrs

Sep.11 14091110 Analyse
Felicissimi, Agapiti

Felicissimus and Agapetus, Marytrs

Aug.6 14080620 Analyse

Felicitatis, Matron and Martyr

Nov.23 14112310 Analyse
Fer 2. Quinquagesimae

Quinquagesima Monday

06032000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Adventus

Mondays in Advent

01002000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Cor. Christi

Monday after Corpus Christi

09022000 Analyse
Fer. 2 de Passione

Monday, 5th week, Lent

07052000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 1 Adv.

Monday, 1st week, Advent

01012000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 1 Quad.

Monday, 1st week, Lent

07012000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 Adv.

Monday, 2nd week, Advent

01022000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 p.Ep.

Monday, 2nd week after Epiphany

05022000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 Quad.

Monday, 2nd week, Lent

07022000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 3 Adv.

Monday, 3rd week, Advent

01032000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 3 p.Ep.

Monday, 3rd week after Epiphany

05032000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 3 Pasc.

Monday, 3rd week after Easter

08032000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 3 Quad.

Monday, 3rd week, Lent

07032000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 4 Adv.

Monday, 4th week, Advent

01042000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 4 p.Ep.

Monday, 4th week after Epiphany

05042000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 4 Pasc.

Monday, 4th week after Easter

08042000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 4 Quad.

Monday, 4th week, Lent

07042000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 5 p.Ep.

Monday, 5th week after Epiphany

05052000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Hebd. 5 Pasc.

Monday, 5th week after Easter

08052000 Analyse
Fer. 2 in estate

Mondays in summer

10002000 Analyse
Fer. 2 in Letaniis

Rogation Monday

08062000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Maj. Hebd.

Monday, Holy Week

07062000 Analyse
Fer. 2 p. Epiphaniam

Monday, 1st week after Epiphany

05012000 Analyse
Fer. 2 p. Nat. Dom.

Monday, week after Christmas

03022000 Analyse
Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch.

Monday, 2nd week after Easter

08022000 Analyse
Fer. 2 p. Pascha

Easter Monday

08012000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Pent.

Pentecost Monday

08082000 Analyse
Fer. 2 per annum

Mondays, Ferial Office

04002000 Analyse
Fer. 2 post Ascensionem

Monday, week after Ascension

08072000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Quadragesimae

Mondays in Lent

07002000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Septuagesimae

Septuagesima Monday

06012000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Sexagesimae

Sexagesima Monday

06022000 Analyse
Fer. 2 Trinitate

Trinity Monday

09012000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Adventus

Tuesdays in Advent

01003000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Cor. Christi

Tuesday after Corpus Christi

09023000 Analyse
Fer. 3 de Passione

Tuesday, 5th week, Lent

07053000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 1 Adv.

Tuesday, 1st week, Advent

01013000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 1 Quad.

Tuesday, 1st week, Lent

07013000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 2 Adv.

Tuesday, 2nd week, Advent

01023000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 2 p.Ep.

Tuesday, 2nd week after Epiphany

05023000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 2 Quad.

Tuesday, 2nd week, Lent

07023000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 3 Adv.

Tuesday, 3rd week, Advent

01033000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 3 p.Ep.

Tuesday, 3rd week after Epiphany

05033000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 3 Pasc.

Tuesday, 3rd week after Easter

08033000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 3 Quad.

Tuesday, 3rd week, Lent

07033000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 4 Adv.

Tuesday, 4th week, Advent

01043000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 4 p.Ep.

Tuesday, 4th week after Epiphany

05043000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 4 Pasc.

Tuesday, 4th week after Easter

08043000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 4 Quad.

Tuesday, 4th week, Lent

07043000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 5 p.Ep.

Tuesday, 5th week after Epiphany

05053000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Hebd. 5 Pasc.

Tuesday, 5th week after Easter

08053000 Analyse
Fer. 3 in estate

Tuesdays in summer

10003000 Analyse
Fer. 3 in Letaniis

Rogation Tuesday

08063000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd.

Tuesday, Holy Week

07063000 Analyse
Fer. 3 p. Epiphaniam

Tuesday, 1st week after Epiphany

05013000 Analyse
Fer. 3 p. Nat. Dom.

Tuesday, week after Christmas

03023000 Analyse
Fer. 3 p. Oct.Pasch.

Tuesday, 2nd week after Easter

08023000 Analyse
Fer. 3 p. Pascha

Easter Tuesday

08013000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Pent.

Pentecost Tuesday

08083000 Analyse
Fer. 3 per annum

Tuesdays, Ferial Office

04003000 Analyse
Fer. 3 post Ascensionem

Tuesday, week after Ascension

08073000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Quadragesimae

Tuesdays in Lent

07003000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Quinquagesimae

Quinquagesima Tuesday

06033000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Septuagesimae

Septuagesima Tuesday

06013000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Sexagesimae

Sexagesima Tuesday

06023000 Analyse
Fer. 3 Trinitate

Trinity Tuesday

09013000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Adventus

Wednesdays in Advent

01004000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Cinerum

Ash Wednesday

06034000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Cor. Christi

Wednesday after Corpus Christi

09024000 Analyse
Fer. 4 de Passione

Wednesday, 5th week, Lent

07054000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 1 Adv.

Wednesday, 1st week, Advent

01014000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 1 Quad.

Wednesday, 1st week, Lent

07014000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 2 Adv.

Wednesday, 2nd week, Advent

01024000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 2 p.Ep.

Wednesday, 2nd week after Epiphany

05024000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 2 Quad.

Wednesday, 2nd week, Lent

07024000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 3 Adv.

Wednesday, 3rd week, Advent

01034000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 3 p.Ep.

Wednesday, 3rd week after Epiphany

05034000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 3 Pasc.

Wednesday, 3rd week after Easter

08034000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 3 Quad.

Wednesday, 3rd week, Lent

07034000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 4 Adv.

Wednesday, 4th week, Advent

01044000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 4 p.Ep.

Wednesday, 4th week after Epiphany

05044000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 4 Pasc.

Wednesday, 4th week after Easter

08044000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 4 Quad.

Wednesday, 4th week, Lent

07044000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 5 p.Ep.

Wednesday, 5th week after Epiphany

05054000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Hebd. 5 Pasc.

Wednesday, 5th week after Easter

08054000 Analyse
Fer. 4 in estate

Wednesdays in summer

10004000 Analyse
Fer. 4 in Letaniis

Rogation Wednesday

08064000 Analyse
Fer. 4 in Pent. 17

Wednesday in the 17th week after Pentecost

09164000 Analyse
Fer. 4 in Pent. 19

Wednesday in the 19th week after Pentecost

09184000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd.

Wednesday, Holy Week

07064000 Analyse
Fer. 4 p. Epiphaniam

Wednesday, 1st week after Epiphany

05014000 Analyse
Fer. 4 p. Nat. Dom.

Wednesday, week after Christmas

03024000 Analyse
Fer. 4 p. Oct.Pasch.

Wednesday, 2nd week after Easter

08024000 Analyse
Fer. 4 p. Pascha

Easter Wednesday

08014000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Pent.

Pentecost Wednesday

08084000 Analyse
Fer. 4 per annum

Wednesdays, Ferial Office

04004000 Analyse
Fer. 4 post Ascensionem

Wednesday, week after Ascension

08074000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Q.T. Adventus

Ember Day, Advent (Wednesday)

01034009 Analyse
Fer. 4 Q.T. Pent.

Ember Day, Pentecost (Wednesday)

08084009 Analyse
Fer. 4 Q.T. Quad.

Ember Day, Lent (Wednesday)

07014009 Analyse
Fer. 4 Q.T. Sept.

Ember Day, September (Wednesday)

11090409 Analyse
Fer. 4 Quadragesimae

Wednesdays in Lent

07004000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Septuagesimae

Septuagesima Wednesday

06014000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Sexagesimae

Sexagesima Wednesday

06024000 Analyse
Fer. 4 Trinitate

Trinity Wednesday

09014000 Analyse
Fer. 5 de Passione

Thursday, 5th week, Lent

07055000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 1 Adv.

Thursday, 1st week, Advent

01015000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 1 Quad.

Thursday, 1st week, Lent

07015000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 2 Adv.

Thursday, 2nd week, Advent

01025000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 2 p.Ep.

Thursday, 2nd week after Epiphany

05025000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 2 Quad.

Thursday, 2nd week, Lent

07025000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 3 Adv.

Thursday, 3rd week, Advent

01035000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 3 p.Ep.

Thursday, 3rd week after Epiphany

05035000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 3 Pasc.

Thursday, 3rd week after Easter

08035000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 3 Pent.

Thursday, 3rd week after Pentecost

09025010 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 3 Quad.

Thursday, 3rd week, Lent

07035000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 4 Adv.

Thursday, 4th week, Advent

01045000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 4 p.Ep.

Thursday, 4th week after Epiphany

05045000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 4 Pasc.

Thursday, 4th week after Easter

08045000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 4 Quad.

Thursday, 4th week, Lent

07045000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 5 p.Ep.

Thursday, 5th week after Epiphany

05055000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Hebd. 5 Pasc.

Thursday, 5th week after Easter

08055000 Analyse
Fer. 5 in Cena Dom.

Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)

07065000 Analyse
Fer. 5 in estate

Thursdays in summer

10005000 Analyse
Fer. 5 p. Epiphaniam

Thursday, 1st week after Epiphany

05015000 Analyse
Fer. 5 p. Nat. Dom.

Thursday, week after Christmas

03025000 Analyse
Fer. 5 p. Oct.Pasch.

Thursday, 2nd week after Easter

08025000 Analyse
Fer. 5 p. Pascha

Easter Thursday

08015000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Pent.

Pentecost Thursday

08085000 Analyse
Fer. 5 per annum

Thursdays, Ferial Office

04005000 Analyse
Fer. 5 post Cineres

Thursday after Ash Wednesday

06035000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Q.T. Adventus

Ember Day, Advent (Thursday)

01035009 Analyse
Fer. 5 Q.T. Pent.

Ember Day, Pentecost (Thursday)

08085009 Analyse
Fer. 5 Quadragesimae

Thursdays in Lent

07005000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Septuagesimae

Septuagesima Thursday

06015000 Analyse
Fer. 5 Sexagesimae

Sexagesima Thursday

06025000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Cor. Christi

Friday after Corpus Christi

09016000 Analyse
Fer. 6 de Passione

Friday, 5th week, Lent

07056000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 1 Adv.

Friday, 1st week, Advent

01016000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 1 Quad.

Friday, 1st week, Lent

07016000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 2 Adv.

Friday, 2nd week, Advent

01026000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 2 p.Ep.

Friday, 2nd week after Epiphany

05026000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 2 Quad.

Friday, 2nd week, Lent

07026000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 3 Adv.

Friday, 3rd week, Advent

01036000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 3 p.Ep.

Friday, 3rd week after Epiphany

05036000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 3 Pasc.

Friday, 3rd week after Easter

08036000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 3 Quad.

Friday, 3rd week, Lent

07036000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 4 Adv.

Friday, 4th week, Advent

01046000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 4 p.Ep.

Friday, 4th week after Epiphany

05046000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 4 Pasc.

Friday, 4th week after Easter

08046000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 4 Quad.

Friday, 4th week, Lent

07046000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 5 p.Ep.

Friday, 5th week after Epiphany

05056000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Hebd. 5 Pasc.

Friday, 5th week after Easter

08056000 Analyse
Fer. 6 in estate

Fridays in summer

10006000 Analyse
Fer. 6 in Parasceve

Good Friday

07066000 Analyse
Fer. 6 in Pent. 17

Friday in the 17th week after Pentecost

09166000 Analyse
Fer. 6 p. Epiphaniam

Friday, 1st week after Epiphany

05016000 Analyse
Fer. 6 p. Nat. Dom.

Friday, week after Christmas

03026000 Analyse
Fer. 6 p. Oct. Asc.

Friday, after the Octave of Ascension

08076000 Analyse
Fer. 6 p. Oct.Pasch.

Friday, 2nd week after Easter

08026000 Analyse
Fer. 6 p. Pascha

Easter Friday

08016000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Pent.

Pentecost Friday

08086000 Analyse
Fer. 6 per annum

Fridays, Ferial Office

04006000 Analyse
Fer. 6 post Ascensionem

Friday after Ascension

08066000 Analyse
Fer. 6 post Cineres

Friday after Ash Wednesday

06036000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Q.T. Adventus

Ember Day, Advent (Friday)

01036009 Analyse
Fer. 6 Q.T. Pent.

Ember Day, Pentecost (Friday)

08086009 Analyse
Fer. 6 Q.T. Quad.

Ember Day, Lent (Friday)

07016009 Analyse
Fer. 6 Q.T. Sept.

Ember Day, September (Friday)

11090609 Analyse
Fer. 6 Quadragesimae

Fridays in Lent

07006000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Septuagesimae

Septuagesima Friday

06016000 Analyse
Fer. 6 Sexagesimae

Sexagesima Friday

06026000 Analyse
Feria 2 de Job

Summer Histories, from Job, for Mondays

10302000 Analyse
Feria 2 de Regum

Summer Histories, from Kings, for Mondays

10102000 Analyse
Feria 2 TP

Mondays, Eastertide

08002000 Analyse
Feria 3 de Job

Summer Histories, from Job, for Tuesdays

10303000 Analyse
Feria 3 TP

Tuesdays, Eastertide

08003000 Analyse
Feria 4 TP

Wednesdays, Eastertide

08004000 Analyse
Feria 5 TP

Thursdays, Eastertide

08005000 Analyse
Feria 6 TP

Fridays, Eastertide

08006000 Analyse
Fest. per annum

For unspecified or miscellaneous ferial days throughout the year

04000000 Analyse
Festi 3 lectionum

Feasts of three lessons

16017000 Analyse
Festi 9 lectionum

Feasts of nine lessons

16014000 Analyse
Festi 9 lectionum TP

Feasts of nine lessons in Eastertide

16014080 Analyse
Festi 9 lectionum,8

In week after feasts of nine lessons

16014008 Analyse
Festum Sanguinis

The Revelation of the Blood of Christ

?? 17007000

Find this date! (Kopenhagen; Solesmes breviary)

Fidei et sociorum

Faith and companions, Martyrs

Aug.1 14080140 Analyse
Fidelis de Sigmaringa Mart.
Apr.24 Analyse

Fides (Faith, Foy), Virgin Martyr

Oct.6 14100600

Holweck, p. 380;


Findan (Fintan) of Rheinau, Benedictine Hermit

Nov.15 14111530 Analyse
Firmi, Rustici

Firmus and Rusticus, Martyrs

Aug.9 14080920 Analyse

Firminus, Bishop Martyr

Sep.25 14092500 Analyse

In week after Firminus

14092508 Analyse
Florentii, Episc.

Florus, Bishop of Lodève

Nov.4 14110400

Grotefend (Nov. 4); Holweck, p. 391 (Oct.30);


Florian, Martyr

May.4 14050400 Analyse

Florinus, Confessor and Priest

Nov.17 14111720 Analyse

Foillan (Folianus), Abbot

Oct.31 14103110 Analyse
Fortunatae et sociorum

Fortunata (Virgin Martyr), and her brothers Carponius, Evaristus, and Priscianus

Oct.14 14101420

Holweck, p. 393;

Fortunatae et sociorum,8

In week after Fortunata

14101428 Analyse

Franca Visalta, Virgin and Abbess, at Piacenza

Apr.27 14042700

Holweck, p. 396;

Franciscae Romanae

Frances of Rome, Widow, Matron and Foundress of the Oblates of Tor de' Specchi in Rome;

Mar.9 14030910

Holweck, p. 396;


Francis of Assisi

Oct.4 14100400 Analyse
Francisci Borgiae

Francis Borgia (Borja), Confessor, Third General of the Society of Jesus

Oct.10 14101030

Holweck, p. 399;

Francisci Carracciolo

Francis (Ascanio) Carracciolo, confessor (canonized in 1807)

Jun.4 14060400 Analyse
Francisci de Paola

Francis de Paola (also "de Paula") Confessor, founder of the Order of the Minims

Apr.2 14040220

Holweck, pp. 397-8; canonized in 1519, abolished by Pius V but restored by Sixtus V in 1585;

Francisci Salesii

Francis de Sales, Confessor, Bishop of Geneva and Doctor of the Church (canonized 1665)

Jan.29 14012930

Holweck, p. 397; Grotefend

Francisci Xaverii

Francis Xavier, Confessor, Apostle of India and Japan (canonized in 1622)

Dec.3 14120300

Holweck, pp. 399-400; Grotefend;


In week after Francis of Assisi

14100408 Analyse
Fructuosi Archiepiscopi Bracharensis

Fructuosus, Archbishop of Braga

Apr.16 14041610

Holweck, p. 405;

Fugae D. N. J. C. in Aegyptum

Fursey, Abbot

Jan.16 14011610 Analyse
Fusciani, Gentiani

Fuscian and Gentian, Martyrs

Dec.11 14121110 Analyse


Dec.10 14121000

Is Dec. 10 a local date in Piacenza?

Gabrielis a Virgine Perdolente Confessoris

Feb.27 vel 28

Gabrielis, Archang.

Gabriel the Archangel

Mar.18 14031800 Analyse

Gall, Hermit

Oct.16 14101600 Analyse

In week after Gall

14101608 Analyse

Gangulfus (Gengoul, Gangulf, Gengulf, Gangulphus, Gangolfus, Gengulfus), Martyred Knight

May.11 14051110 Analyse

Gatian, Bishop of Tours

Dec.18 14121800 Analyse

Gaudentius, Bishop of Novara

Jan.22 14012220

Holweck, p. 415;


Gaugericus (Gery), Bishop

Aug.11 14081110 Analyse

In week after Gaugericus

14081118 Analyse

Gemma, Virgin

Aug.16 14081610 Analyse

Genesius, Martyr

Aug.25 14082530 Analyse

Genevieve (Genovefa), Virgin

Jan.3 14010300 Analyse

Genulf (Gendulf, Genou), "Bishop"

Nov.13 14111330 Analyse

George, Martyr

Apr.23 14042300 Analyse
Georgii, Adalberti

George and Adalbert, Martyrs

Jun.20 14062000 Analyse
Geraldi Archiepiscopi Bracharensis

Gerald (Girald), Archbishop of Braga

Dec.5 14120510

Holweck, p. 425;

Geraldi Aureliaci

Gerald of Aurillac

Oct.13 14101300

Holweck, p.425;


Gerard Sagredo, Bishop of Csanad & Martyr of Venice

Sep.24 14092440

Holweck, p. 426;

Gereonis et soc.

Gereon and companions, Martyrs

Oct.10 14101000 Analyse

Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre

Jul.31 14073100 Analyse
Germani Capuanae

Germanus, Bishop of Capua


Oct.30 14103030 Analyse
Germani Parisien.

Germanus (Germain), Bishop of Paris

May.28 14052800 Analyse
Germani, Vedasti

Germanus and Vedastus, Confessors

Oct.1 14100110 Analyse

Gertrude the Great, Cistercian nun and mystic writer

Nov.17 14111730

Holweck, p. 432;

Gertrudis Nivellensis

Gertrude of Nivelles, Virgin

Mar.17 14031700

Holweck, p. 432;

Geruntii Italicensis, Epi.

Geruntius, Bishop of Italica (Talco), near Seville

Aug.25 14082540

Holweck, p. 433; Currently in the Archdiocese of Seville, the Feast of Saint Geruntius, Bishop of Italica is celebrated on August 26.

The calendars of the following sources (Old Hispanic) also indicate August 26: Kalendarium Cordubensis (961); Codex Vigilanus seu Albeldensis (975); Codex Aemilianensis (994); Liber ordinum episcopal (1052); Missale Mixtum (1500); Breviarium Gothicum -Cisneros- (1502). See *1* Castell, J. V. (1941). Santoral visigodo en calendarios e inscripciones. Analecta sacra tarraconensia: Revista de ciències historicoeclesiàstiques, (14), 31; *2* Sevilla (Archidiócesis) Delegación de Pastoral Litúrgica. (2008). Liturgia de las horas: Textos propios del santoral de la Archidiócesis de Sevilla. [Sevilla]: Archidiócesis de Sevilla, Delegación de Pastoral Litúrgica: Cabildo de la Santa Iglesia Catedral de Sevilla, 211-214; *3* Simonet, F. J. (1871). Santoral hispano-mozárabe escrito en 961 por Rabi Ben Zaid, obispo de Iliberis. La ciudad de Dios5, 105-116; *4* Flórez, E. (1754). España sagrada: Theatro geographico-historico de la iglesia de España (Vol. 3), 150. (Feast and bibliographic information provided by Rafael Jesús Luque Vela.)

Gervasii, Protasii

Gervase and Protase, Martyrs

Jun.19 14061900 Analyse

Gislenus (Ghislain), Abbot

Oct.9 14100910 Analyse

Goar, Hermit

Jul.6 14070610 Analyse

Godehard (Gothard), Bishop of Hildesheim

May.4 14050410 Analyse
Gordiani, Epimachi

Gordian and Epimachus, Martyrs

May.10 14051000 Analyse

Gorgonius, Martyr

Sep.9 14090900 Analyse
Gratiarum Actionis


Oct.10 14101020

according to Sibert's ordinal


Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor

Mar.12 14031200 Analyse
Gregorii Barbadici Ep., Conf.
Jun.17 Analyse
Gregorii Nazianzeni Episcopi, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris
May.9 Analyse
Gregorii Thauma.

Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop

Nov.17 14111700 Analyse
Gregorii VII Papae Confessoris
May.25 Analyse
Gregorii, Mart.

Gregory of Spoleto, Martyr

Dec.24 14122400 Analyse

Gudula, Virgin

Jan.8 14010810 Analyse
Gulielmi Abbatis
Jun.25 Analyse

Guthlac, Hermit of Croyland

Apr.11 14041100 Analyse

Hadulf, Abbot and Bishop of Arras

May.19 14051900 Analyse
Hebd. 1 Adventus

1st week of Advent

01018000 Analyse
Hebd. 1 Quad.

1st week of Lent

07018000 Analyse
Hebd. 2 Adventus

2nd week of Advent

01028000 Analyse
Hebd. 2 p. Pascha

2nd week after Easter

08028000 Analyse
Hebd. 2 Quad.

2nd week of Lent

07028000 Analyse
Hebd. 3 Adventus

3rd week of Advent

01038000 Analyse
Hebd. 3 p. Pascha

3rd week after Easter

08038000 Analyse
Hebd. 3 Quad.

3rd week of Lent

07038000 Analyse
Hebd. 4 Adventus

4th week of Advent

01048000 Analyse
Hebd. 4 p. Pascha

4th week after Easter

08048000 Analyse
Hebd. 4 Quad.

4th week of Lent

07048000 Analyse
Hebd. 5 p. Pascha

5th week after Easter

08058000 Analyse
Hebd. 6 p. Pascha

6th week after Easter

08068000 Analyse
Hebd. Adventus

Weekdays in Advent

01008000 Analyse
Hebd. de Job

Summer Histories, from Job, for weekdays

10308000 Analyse
Hebd. de Judith

Summer Histories, from Judith, for weekdays

10508000 Analyse
Hebd. de Machabaeis

Summer Histories, from Maccabees, for weekdays

10808000 Analyse
Hebd. de Passione

5th week of Lent

07058000 Analyse
Hebd. de Prophetis

Summer Histories, from the Prophets, for weekdays

10908000 Analyse
Hebd. de Regum

Summer Histories, from Kings, for weekdays

10100008 Analyse
Hebd. de Sapientia

Summer Histories, from Wisdom, for weekdays

10208000 Analyse
Hebd. de Tobia

Summer Histories, from Tobias, for weekdays

10408000 Analyse
Hebd. Nat. Dom.

Weekdays in Christmastide

02008000 Analyse
Hebd. p. Pent.

Weekdays after Pentecost

09008000 Analyse
Hebd. per annum

Weekdays, Ferial Office

04008000 Analyse
Hebd. Quadragesimae

Weekdays in Lent

07008000 Analyse
Hebd. Quinquagesimae

Week after Quinquagesima

06038000 Analyse
Hebd. Sancta

Holy Week

07068000 Analyse
Hebd. Septuagesimae

Week after Septuagesima

06018000 Analyse
Hebd. Sexagesimae

Week after Sexagesima

06028000 Analyse
Hebd. TP

Weekdays, Eastertide

08008000 Analyse

Hedwig, Matron and Duchess of Silesia

Oct.16 14101640 Analyse
Helari, Tatiani

Hilary (Bishop of Aquileia) and Tatianus, Martyrs

Mar.16 14031600 Analyse

Helen, Finder of the True Cross, Mother of Constantine the Great

Aug.18 14081830

many different dates (see Holweck, p. 467)

Helenae Imperatricis, Viduae
Helenae Schedviensis

Helen of Skoefde (Sweden), Martyr

Jul.31 14073110 Analyse

Henry of Uppsala, Bishop and Martyr, Patron Saint of Finland

Jan.19 14011940

d. 1150; as witnessed in Sweden and Poland

Henrici Imperatoris

Henry II, Confessor; German King and Roman Emperor; died Jul.13, 1024

Jul.13 14071300

Feast dates: Jul.13, Jul.14, Jul.15; Holweck, p. 470-71;


Hermeland, Abbot of Aindre (Nantes)

Oct.18 14101820 Analyse
Herculani Perusini

Herculanus, Martyr, Bishop of Perugia

Mar.1 14030120

Holweck, p. 473;

Hermagorae, Fort.,8

In week after Hermagoras and Fortunatus

14071208 Analyse

Hermagoras and Fortunatus, Martyrs

Jul.12 14071200 Analyse

Hermenegild, martyr, regent of Andalusia

Apr.13 14041300

Holweck, p. 476; in the Latin church since 1585


Hermes, Martyr

Aug.28 14082830 Analyse

Jerome, Doctor

Sep.30 14093000 Analyse

In week after Jerome

14093008 Analyse
Hieronymi AEmiliani Confessoris
Jul.20 Analyse
Hilariae et sociorum

Hilaria, Martyr, Mother of Afra, Matron at Augsburg, and companions

Aug.12 14081230 Analyse

Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Doctor

Jan.14 14011400 Analyse
Hilarii Arelatensis

Hilary (Hilarius or Hilarus), Archbishop of Arles, Confessor

May.5 14050500

check this feast to make sure it's the correct Hilary (if we index CAO - D and others); Holweck, p. 483;


Hilarion, Abbot

Oct.21 14102120 Analyse
Hildegardis Bingensis

Hildegard of Bingen, Abbess

Sep.17 14091701 Analyse

Hippolytus, Martyr

Aug.13 14081300

Holweck, p. 487;


Hubert, First Bishop of Liege, Confessor

Nov.3 14110330 Analyse

Hugo (Hugh), Abbot of Jumieges and Archbishop of Rouen

Apr.9 14040910 Analyse
Hugonis Episc. Lincolniensis

Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln

Nov.17 14111740

Holweck, p. 494;

Hugonis TP

Hugo, Eastertide

Apr.9 14040980 Analyse

Humbelina (Humbleline), matron, sister of Bernard of Clairvaux

Feb.12 14021200

Holweck, p. 495;


Humbert, Abbot and Bishop

Sep.6 14090600 Analyse

Hunegundis, Abbess

Aug.25 14082510 Analyse
Hyacinthi Confessoris
Aug.17 Analyse


16007000 Analyse

Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr

Feb.1 14020110 Analyse
Ignatii Confessoris
Jul.31 Analyse

Ildephonsus, Archbishop of Toledo

Jan.23 14012301

Holweck, pp. 503-4;


Imerius (Himerius) of Immertal, monk, hermit, and missionary in the Swiss Jura

Nov.12 14111240

not in Holweck;

Immaculati Cordis B. M. V.
Aug.22 Analyse
In Apparitione B. M. V. Immaculate
Feb.11 Analyse
In Comm. Omnium SS. Summorum Pontificum. Die 4 Julii
In Comm. Septem Dolorum B. Mariae V.

Feria VI post Dominicam I Passionis

In dedicatione altaris

Commemoration of an altar's dedication

16011000 Analyse
In dedicatione archibasilicae S. Salvatoris

Dedication of Saint Saviour's

Nov.9 14110940 Analyse
In dedicatione Basilicae BMV de Martyribus Ulyssipponensis

Dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Martyrs, Lisbon

May.13 14051320 Analyse
In Dedicatione Ecclesiae

Dedication of a Church

12008000 Analyse
In Dedicatione Ecclesiae TP

Dedication of a Church, in Eastertide

12008080 Analyse
In Dedicatione Ecclesiae,8

In week after Dedication of Church

12008008 Analyse
In dedicatione S. Mariae

Commemoration of the date when Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon in Rome to the service of God in the name of "S. Mariae semper Virginis et omnium Martyrum"

May.13 14051310

online (Google Books): A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, ed. William Smith and Samuel Cheetham (London: 1893)

In estate

General, in summer

10000000 Analyse
In Festo D. N. Jesu Christi Regis

Last Sunday of October

In festo sollemni
In Letaniis

General, Rogation Days

08068010 Analyse
In Letaniis maj.

The greater litany; The Major Rogation

Apr.25 08042500

"In Letaniis majoribus"; NOTE: This feastcode uses a "fixed date" method of coding within the prefix "08," a prefix which is designated for movable feasts.

In nativitate Pontificis

Chants for the birthday of a Pope

16208020 Analyse
In tempore Adventus

General, in Advent

01000000 Analyse
In tempore belli contra Sarracenos

Chants in time of war against the Saracens

16021000 Analyse
In tempore Epiphaniae

General, after Epiphany

05000000 Analyse
In tempore Nat.

General, in Christmastide

03000000 Analyse
In tempore oritur inter christianos

Chants in time of an uprising among Christians

16022000 Analyse
In tempore Paschae

General, Eastertide

08000000 Analyse
In tempore pestilentiae

Chants in time of the plague

16018000 Analyse
In tempore Quad.

General, in Lent

07000000 Analyse
In transitu Francisci

Anniversary of the death of Francis of Assisi

Oct.3 14100330

Holweck, pp. 398-399;

In Triduum

General, during the Triduum

07069000 Analyse
Ingenuini et Albuini

Ingenuinus (Genuinus), Bishop of Seben in Tyrol, and Albuinus, Bishop of Brixen

Feb.5 14020510

Holweck, pp. 42 and 505; at Brixen;

Invent. Michaelis
Inventio Afrae

Finding of Afra's relics

?? 17004000

Find this date! (Augsburg/Munich 4305 - between July 22 and August 1)

Inventio Antonini

Finding of Antoninus's relics

Nov.13 14111310 Analyse
Inventio Catharinae

Finding of Catharine of Alexandria's relics on Mount Sinai (as venerated by the Parisian Confraternity of the Doublet Makers)

? 17006000

date unknown (see NL-DHk 76 E 18);

Inventio Crucis

Finding of the Cross

May.3 14050300 Analyse
Inventio Crucis,8

In week after the Finding of the Cross

14050308 Analyse
Inventio Dionysii

Finding of Denis's relics

Apr.22 14042200 Analyse
Inventio Firmini

Finding of Firminus's relics

Jan.15 14011520 Analyse
Inventio Francisci

The finding of Francis's relics

Dec.12 14121220

Holweck, pp. 398-399;

Inventio Stephani

Finding of Stephen's relics (First Martyr)

Aug.3 14080300 Analyse
Inventio Udalrici

Finding of Ulric's relics

?? 17005000

Find this date! (Augsburg/Munich 4305)


Invitatory Antiphons or Psalms

16004000 Analyse
Invocatio Sancti Spiritus
Irenaei Episcopi, Martyris

Jul.3; in the cantus list of feasts is celebrated with another saint: Mustiolae


Irene of Santarém (Portugal)

Oct.20 14102010

Holweck, p. 509;

Isaaci Jogues, Joannis de Brebeuf et Sociorum, Martyrum S. J.

Isabel, Virgin, Sister of King Louis IX of France (daughter of King Louis VIII), founder of a convent at Longchamp

Sep.1 14090160

Holweck, p. 511;

Isidori Episcopi Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris
Apr.4 Analyse

Ivo, Bishop of unknown origin (Persia?), came to England in the 7th century

Apr.24 14042410

Holweck, p. 515;

Ivonis de Kermartin

Ivo of Kermartin (Yves Hélory, Yvo, Ives)

May.19 14051930

Holweck, pp. 515-16;


Iwigius (Ywi, Iwig, Ivi, Ywy, Ivy, Iwie), Deacon, Hermit, of Lindisfarne

Oct.8 14100860

Holweck, p. 1045 and p. 516 (listed as Oct. 6);

Iwigii, Transl.

Moving of relics of Iwigius

?? 17009000

sometime between Feb.24 (Matthaei) and Mar.12 (Gregorii); see Wilton Processional)


James the Greater, Apostle

Jul.25 14072500 Analyse
Jacobi, miracula

Miracles of James (in wars under Alfonso VI and Sancho)

Oct.4 14100420

Holweck, p. 518 (Oct 3?); cf. Codex Calixtinus


In week after James the Greater

14072508 Analyse

Januarius of Benevento

Sep.19 14091900 Analyse
Januarii et sociorum

Januarius, Faustus, and Martialis, Martyrs (the "Three Crowns of Cordova")

Oct.19 14101910 Analyse
Joachim Confessoris Patris B. M. V.
Aug.16 Analyse

Joachim, the father of Mary

Mar.20 14032010

see Holweck for various dates (abrogations/restorations, etc.)

Joannae de Arc Virginis
Joannae Franciscae Fremiot de Chantal Viduae
Aug.21 Analyse
Joannis a Cruce Confessoris Ecclesiae Doctoris
Nov.24 Analyse
Joannis a Deo Confessoris
Mar.8 Analyse
Joannis a S. Facundo Confessoris
Jun.12 Analyse
Joannis Abbatis Reomensis

John of Réome, abbot

Jan.28 14012830

Holweck, pp. 533-34;

Joannis Baptistae

John the Baptist

Jun.24 14062400 Analyse
Joannis Baptistae de la Salle Conf.
May.15 Analyse
Joannis Baptistae,8

In week after John the Baptist

14062408 Analyse
Joannis Berchmans Confessoris. Die 13 Augusti
Joannis Bosco, Confessoris
Jan.31 Analyse
Joannis Cantii Confessoris
Oct.20 Analyse
Joannis Capistranensis

John of Capistrano, Confessor, Missionary

Oct.23 14102340

Holweck, p. 536;

Joannis Cassiani

John Cassian, Abbot

Jul.23 14072310 Analyse
Joannis Chrysostomi

John Chrysostom, Doctor

Jan.27 14012700 Analyse
Joannis Damasceni Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris
Mar.27 Analyse
Joannis de Husinec

Jan Hus (d. 1415, Council of Constance), venerated as a saint in 15th- and 16th-century Bohemia

Jul.6 14070640

local feast; not in Holweck

Joannis de Matha Confessoris
Feb.8 Analyse
Joannis Eudes Confessoris
Aug.19 Analyse
Joannis Evang.

John the Evangelist

Dec.27 02122700 Analyse
Joannis Evang.,8

In week after John the Evangelist

02122708 Analyse
Joannis Fischer Ep. Et Thomae Morus, Martyrum
Joannis Francisci Regis

Jean-François Régis (also "John Francis Regis" and "St Regis"), priest of the Society of Jesus, canonized in 1737

Jun.16 14061610 Analyse
Joannis Gualberti Abbatis
Jul.12 Analyse
Joannis I Papae, Martyris
May.27 Analyse
Joannis Leonardi Confessoris
Oct.9 Analyse
Joannis Mariae Vianney Confessoris
Aug.8 Analyse
Joannis Mariae Vianney. Die 9 Augusti
Joannis Nepomuceni Martyris. Die 16 Maii
Joannis Port. Lat.

John before the Latin Gate

May.6 14050600 Analyse
Joannis, Pauli

John and Paul, Martyrs

Jun.26 14062600 Analyse
Josaphat Episcopi Martyris
Nov.14 Analyse
Joseph Opificis, Sponsi B. Mariae Virg. Confes.
May.1 Analyse

Joseph, spouse of Mary

Mar.19 14031900

Holweck, p. 562; Grotefend;

Josephi Calasanctii Confessoris
Aug.27 Analyse
Josephi de Cupertino Confessoris
Sep.18 Analyse
Josephi Prophetae

Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel

Mar.8 14030800

Holweck, p. 561 (Joseph "the Beautiful");

Judae Quiriaci

Judas Quiriacus (Cyriacus), Bishop

May.4 14050420 Analyse

Judoc, Prince and Hermit

Dec.13 14121330 Analyse

Juliana, Virgin Martyr

Feb.16 14021600 Analyse
Julianae de Falconeriis Virginis
Jun.19 Analyse

Julian of Brioude, Martyr

Aug.28 14082810 Analyse
