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Feast: Fer. 2 p. Epiphaniam

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Source: D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum

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Total chants: 16
Distinct chants: 13
Antiphons: 4
Responsories: 1
Average number of concordances: 1
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum088vMIChristus apparuit nobis venite*0010544 | TR-Itks 42 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava III EC Lad.6
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum088vMHIlluxit orbi*?0
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum088vMA1. Videntes stellam*0053910
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum088vMW1.Omnis terra adoret te deus et 0081610
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum088vML1.1Magi aurum et thus...1 | TR-Itks 42
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum088vMR1.1Illuminare illuminare Jerusalem*0068820
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum088vMA2. Alleluia alleluia alleluia0013280
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum088vML2. Apparuit benignitas et humanitas...1 | TR-Itks 42
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum089rMW2. Reges Tharsis et insulae munera*0081804 | CZ-Pst DE I 7 | TR-Itks 42 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava III EC Lad.6
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum089rMOrDeus illuminator omnium gentium...1 | TR-Itks 42
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum089rLAVenit lumen*0053440
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum089rLCapSurge illuminare*1 | TR-Itks 42
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum089rLWReges Tharsis*0081804 | CZ-Pst DE I 7 | TR-Itks 42 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava III EC Lad.6
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum089rLHJoanne Baptista*?0
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum089rLWAdorate deum*007938.10
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum089rLABVenient ad te*0053311 | E-SI (Santo Domingo de Silos) MS 9