Cantus Analysis Tool

Feast: XI milium Virginum

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Source: PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense

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Total chants: 8
Distinct chants: 7
Antiphons: 1
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 2
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense001rMASSIntrGaudeamus omnes*5010041 | PL-Wn 12722 V Graduał opata tynieckiego Mścisława
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense001rMASSInVExsultate justi*501004e1 | SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense001rMASSOffOfferentur regi *g020692 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Missale of Bratislava I EC Lad. 3 | SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense001rMASSComQuinque prudentes*g013894 | PL-SAk 40 Graduał z Sandomierza | PL-Wn 12722 V Graduał opata tynieckiego Mścisława | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Missale of Bratislava I EC Lad. 3 | SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense001rMASSGrAnima nostra*g005700
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense001rMASSAllAlleluia Hodie virginum chorus trucidatus est 5070351 | PL-Wn 12497 IV Graduale cisterciense
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense082rMASSIntrGaudeamus omnes*5010041 | PL-Wn 12722 V Graduał opata tynieckiego Mścisława
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense093rMASSAMuliebrem ad ornatum mundum acceperunt et 2031742 | SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Antiphonale Scepusiense | SK-KE (Kežmarok) Antiphonarium 36445