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Feast: Inventio Crucis

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Source: CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a

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Total chants: 62
Distinct chants: 52
Antiphons: 16
Responsories: 14
Average number of concordances: 31
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a152rVAMHelena desiderio plena orabat cum lacrimis 00302342 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a151vVRO crux gloriosa o crux adoranda 00726639 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a152rVV01Mihi autem absit gloriari nisi in 007266a18 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a152rVHAd cenam*0082496 | A-LIb 290 | TR-Itks 42 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI E 13 | CZ-Pu (Praha) XII E 15c | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a152rVWHoc signum crucis *00808874 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a152vMA1.Crucem Christus subiit et (...)2009511 | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI E 13
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a153rMW1.Dicite in nationibus*00801340 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a153rMR1.1Adoramus te Christe et benedicimus tibi 00604611 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a153rMV01Omnis terra adoret te et psallat 006046za4 | SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | A-KN CCl 589 | A-VOR 287 | A-KN CCl 1018
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a153vMR1.2Ecce vicit leo de tribu Juda 0066163 | SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | CH-SGs 388 | CH-SGs 391
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a153vMV01Et unus de senioribus dixit mihi 006616a0
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a154rMR1.3Dignus es domine accipere librum et 0064486 | SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | A-KN CCl 589 | A-VOR 287 | CH-SGs 391 | CH-SGs 388 | A-KN CCl 1018
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a154vMV01Parce domine parce populo tuo quem 006448a2 | A-KN CCl 589 | A-KN CCl 1018
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a154vMR1.4Gaudeat spiritalis christianus sed lugeat carnalis 6049680
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a155rMV01De intentione Judaici facinoris in cruce 604968a0
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a155rMV02Gloria patri et filio et spiritui 90900045 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a155rMA2.Surrexit dominus de sepulcro qui pro 0050796 | SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | A-KN CCl 589 | I-Rv C.5 | A-KN CCl 1018 | D-KNd 215 | A-VOR 287
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a155vMR2.1Crux benedicta nitet dominus qua carne 00635013 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a156rMV01O crux admirabilis evacuatio vulneris restitucio 006350za2 | A-KN CCl 589 | A-KN CCl 1018
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a156rMR2.2Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit animam 0077423 | A-VOR 287 | CH-SGs 388 | CH-SGs 391
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a156vMV01Surrexit dominus de sepulcro qui pro 007742a0
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a156vMR2.3Dulce lignum dulces clavos dulce pondus 00653087 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a157rMV01Hoc signum crucis erit in caelo 006530a87 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a157rMR2.4Hoc signum crucis erit in caelo 00684584 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a157vMV01Cum sederit filius hominis in sede 006845a85 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a157vMA3.Propter lignum servi facti sumus et 0043989 | A-KN CCl 1018 | D-KA Aug. LX | I-Rv C.5 | GB-Ob MS. Laud Misc. 284 | D-BAs Msc.Lit.25 | A-KR VI/258 | A-KN CCl 589 | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI E 13 | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a155vMW2.Adoramus te Christe *00793667 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a158rMW3.Mihi autem absit gloriari00814028 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a158rMR3.1Exaltatus in ligno crucis Jesus Christus 6049700
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a158vMV01Clavi qui domini manus et pedes 604970a0
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a158vMR3.2Crux tua domine fons omnium est 6049710
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a159rMV01O mirabilis potentia crucis o ineffabilis 604971a0
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a159vMV02Gloria patri et filio et spiritui 90900045 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a159vMR3.3O crux benedicta quae sola fuisti 00726563 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a159vMV01Mihi autem absit gloriari nisi in 007265a44 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a160rMR3.4O crux gloriosa *00726639 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a160rMR3.5Crux Christi quae salvandis est impensa 6049720
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a160vMV01O lignum pretiosum et admirabile signum604972a0
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a160vMV02Gloria patri et filio et spiritui 90900045 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a160vLA1Helena Constantini mater Jerusalem petiit alleluia00302281 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a161rLA2Tunc praecepit eos omnes igne cremari 00524987 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a161rLA3Cumque ascendisset Judas de lacu perrexit 00205675 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a161rLA4Orabat Judas deus deus meus ostende 00417288 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a161vLA5Cum orasset Judas commotus est locus 00202077 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a161vLRMihi autem absit gloriari alleluia alleluia00715217 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a161vLV01Nisi in cruce domini nostri Jesu 007152a17 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a162rLHSignum crucis *00839118 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a162rLWHoc signum crucis erit in caelo 00808874 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a162rLABHelena sancta dixit ad Judam comple 00302485 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a162vPAMors et vita apposita sunt tibi 00380933 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a162vTADulce lignum dulces clavos dulce pondus 00243239 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a163rTWDicite in nationibus R. Quia *00801340 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a163rXRPDulce lignum *00653087 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a163rXRPHoc signum crucis *00684584 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a163rXRPO crux benedicta *00726563 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a163rXAPSanctifica nos domine signaculo sanctae crucis 00474421 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a163vSAAdoramus te Christe et benedicimus tibi 00128748 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a164rSWSalva nos Christe salvator per virtutem 00818912 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a164rNATuam crucem adoramus domine tuam gloriosam 00522716 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a164vV2HAd cenam *0082496 | A-LIb 290 | TR-Itks 42 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI E 13 | CZ-Pu (Praha) XII E 15c | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a164vNWMihi autem absit gloriari R. Nisi 00814028 | » Display
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a164vV2AMLignum vitae in cruce tua domine 00362822 | » Display