Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Visitatio Mariae
» Analyse this feastSource: CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 65
Distinct chants: 61
Antiphons: 28
Responsories: 12
Average number of concordances: 11
Distinct chants: 61
Antiphons: 28
Responsories: 12
Average number of concordances: 11
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 003r | V | A | Exsurgens autem Maria abiit in montana | 201767 | 14 | » Display | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 003v | V | R | Magnificat anima mea dominum et exsultavit | 601352 | 12 | » Display | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 004r | V | V | 01 | Ecce enim ex hoc beatam me | 601352a | 12 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 004r | V | V | 02 | Gloria patri et filio et spiritui | 909000 | 28 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 004r | V | H | Assunt festa jubilaea in Mariae nunc | 830009 | 13 | » Display | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 005r | V | W | Fecit mihi magna dominus alleluia R | 800163.1 | 3 | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de sanctis | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 | CZ-Pn (Praha) XII A 21 | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 005r | V | A | M | O quanta vis amoris illibatae tunc | 203560 | 12 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 005v | M | I | In honore Mariae virginis Elisabeth visitantis | 100145 | 9 | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de sanctis | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | MA Impr. 1537 | D-AAm G 20 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4 | PL-WRu R 503 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 | CZ-Pn (Praha) XII A 21 | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 006r | M | H | O Christi mater fulgida scatens fons | 830421 | 10 | PL-Klk 1 Antyfonarz kielecki | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de sanctis | D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum | PL-KIk 1 | D-AAm G 20 | PL-WRu R 503 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 028 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 | Cz-Pak (Praha) Cim 7 | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 006v | M | A | 1.1 | Et factum est ut audivit Elizabeth | 201635 | 12 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 006v | M | A | 1.2 | Exclamavit Elisabeth voce magna et dixit | 201707 | 11 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 007r | M | A | 1.3 | Et unde mihi hoc ut veniat | 201655 | 13 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 007v | M | A | 1.4 | Et beata quae credidisti quoniam perficientur | 201624.1 | 12 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 008r | M | A | 1.5 | Torrens sacrati fluminis verbum dei laetificat | 204922 | 14 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 008r | M | A | 1.6 | O dilecta civitas dei rei poscimus | 203415 | 14 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 008v | M | R | 1.1 | Surge propera amica mea formosa mea | 602287 | 13 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 009r | M | V | 01 | Audi filia et vide et inclina | 602287a | 13 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 009r | M | R | 1.2 | En dilectus meus loquitur mihi intra | 600781 | 15 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 009v | M | V | 01 | Quam dulcia faucibus meis eloquia tua | 006076a | 0 |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 009v | M | R | 1.3 | Ibo ad montem myrrhae festinanter et | 601085 | 12 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 010r | M | V | 01 | Viam mandatorum tuorum cucurri juxta verbum | 601085a | 12 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 010r | M | R | 1.4 | Ecce iste venit saliens in montibus | 600715 | 15 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 010v | M | V | 01 | Exsultavit ut gigas ad currendam viam | 600715a | 15 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 010v | M | V | 02 | Gloria patri et filio et spiritui | 909000 | 28 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 011r | M | A | 2.1 | Quam gloriosam et admirabilem in universa | 204046 | 9 | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de sanctis | D-MZb C | TR-Itks 42 | D-AAm G 20 | D-KA Aug. LX | MA Impr. 1537 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 | CZ-Pn (Praha) XII A 21 |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 011r | M | A | 2.2 | Caeli stupent in Maria cui tot | 200707 | 13 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 011v | M | A | 2.3 | Ferax est terra domini venter sacratae | 201820 | 13 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 011v | M | A | 2.4 | Verbum bonum virgo paris manens expers | 205155 | 15 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 012r | M | A | 2.5 | Magna mirabilia in filia quam sibi | 202960 | 13 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 012r | M | A | 2.6 | Exsultet terra propere multae laetentur insulae | 201760 | 13 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 012v | M | R | 2.1 | Felices matres sed nati feliciores et | 600861 | 15 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 013r | M | V | 01 | Felix domus felix familia quibus sunt | 600861a | 14 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 013r | M | R | 2.2 | O praeclara stella maris virgo mater | 601617 | 15 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 014r | M | V | 01 | Ad te clamant omnes rei larga | 601617a | 14 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 014r | M | R | 2.3 | Speciosas filias cumulantes divitias thesauro ventris | 602226 | 11 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 014v | M | V | 01 | Exsulta et lauda habitatio Sion quia | 602226a | 11 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 014v | M | R | 2.4 | O dies omni voto recolenda o | 601563 | 10 | PL-Klk 1 Antyfonarz kielecki | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de sanctis | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4 | D-KA Aug. LX | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | MA Impr. 1537 | PL-KIk 1 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | D-AAm G 20 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 015r | M | V | 01 | Haec est dies quam fecit dominus | 601563a | 10 | PL-Klk 1 Antyfonarz kielecki | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de sanctis | MA Impr. 1537 | PL-KIk 1 | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | D-KA Aug. LX | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | D-AAm G 20 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 015v | M | V | 02 | Gloria patri et filio et spiritui | 909000 | 28 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 015v | M | A | 3. | Novum tibi virgo canticum decantamus ut | 203335 | 13 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 016r | M | R | 3.1 | Ait autem Maria fecit mihi magna | 600071 | 11 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 016v | M | V | 01 | Et misericordia ejus a progenie in | 006172a | 2 | GB-WO F.160 | D-W 28 Helmst. |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 016v | M | R | 3.2 | Suscepit Israel puerum suum recordatus misericordiae | 602296 | 10 | TR-Itks 42 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | MA Impr. 1537 | PL-Kkar 3 (Rkp 15) | D-AAm G 20 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | D-MZb C | D-KA Aug. LX | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 | CZ-Pn (Praha) XII A 21 |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 017r | M | V | 01 | Juravit dominus David veritatem de fructu | 602296a | 10 | PL-Kkar 3 (Rkp 15) | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | MA Impr. 1537 | D-AAm G 20 | D-MZb C | D-KA Aug. LX | TR-Itks 42 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 | CZ-Pn (Praha) XII A 21 |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 017v | M | R | 3.3 | Vox turturis audita est surge (...) | 602539 | 2 | D-MZb C | D-KA Aug. LX |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 018r | M | V | 01 | Vox enim tua dulcis et facies (...) | 602539a | 2 | D-MZb C | D-KA Aug. LX |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 018v | L | A | 1 | In Mariae virginis utero parata sedes | 202433 | 14 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 018v | L | A | 2 | Jubilet deo omnis terra et caelestis | 202773 | 13 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 019r | L | A | 3 | Fecit dominus potentiam in bracchio suo | 201797 | 14 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 019r | L | A | 4 | Deposuit potentes de sede et exaltavit | 201158 | 14 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 019v | L | A | 5 | Esurientes implevit bonis et divites dimisit | 201615 | 14 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 019v | L | H | En miranda prodigia concepit nam virguncula | 830329 | 9 | PL-Klk 1 Antyfonarz kielecki | D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum | D-AAm G 20 | PL-KIk 1 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | D-MZb C | TR-Itks 42 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 | Cz-Pak (Praha) Cim 7 | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 019 bis r | L | A | B | Benedictus dominus deus Israel quia visitavit | 205986 | 11 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 019 bis v | C | A | N | Gaude Maria mater Christi quae singulari | 201903 | 11 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 016r | M | W | Adjuvabit eam deus vultu suo R | 007934 | 12 | » Display | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 020r | MASS | Al | Alleluia Ave stillans mellae alvearium ave | 507039 | 11 | » Display | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 020r | MASS | Sq | Ave verbi dei parens virginum humilitas | | 508011 | 2 | D-AAm G 20 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava I EC Lad.3 | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 018v | M | R | 3.4 | Magnificat anima* | 601352 | 12 | » Display |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 217v | V | A | M | Beata es Maria quae credidisti * | 001565 | 5 | D-Mbs Clm 4306 | NZ-Wt MSR-03 | D-Mbs Clm 4304 | D-W 28 Helmst. | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 217v | P | A | Exsurgens Maria abiit in montana * | 201767 | 14 | » Display | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 217v | T | A | Intravit Maria in domum Zachariae * | 202620 | 3 | D-Mbs Clm 4304 | D-Mbs Clm 4306 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 217v | S | A | Ut audivit salutationem Maria * | 205517 | 2 | D-Mbs Clm 4304 | D-Mbs Clm 4306 | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 218r | N | A | Benedicta tu inter mulieres * | 200642 | 0 | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 218r | N | A | Ex quo facta est vox salutationis | 002750 | 5 | DK-Kk 3449 8o [09] IX | D-W 28 Helmst. | D-Mbs Clm 4306 | D-Mbs Clm 4304 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | |
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 3a | 218r | V2 | A | M | Beatam me dicent omnes generationes * | 001574 | 5 | D-Mbs Clm 4306 | D-Mbs Clm 4304 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | NZ-Wt MSR-03 | A-Wn 1799** |