Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Fer. 2 Hebd. 1 Quad.
» Analyse this feastSource: E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 25
Distinct chants: 25
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 0
Distinct chants: 25
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 0
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 001r | MH | ANT | 1 | In lege domini sit voluntas nostra | h03504 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 001r | MH | ANT | 2 | Nunc reges intelligite erudimini omnes qui | h03810 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 001v | MH | ANT | 3 | Sacrificate sacrifitium justitiae et sperate in | h04154 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 001v | MH | RS | Aperi domine oculos tuos et vide | h02025 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 001v | MH | RSV | Domine deus virtutum convertere nunc respice | h02025a | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 001v | MH | ANT | 50 | Miserere mei deus secundum magnam misericordiam | h01705 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 002r | MH | ANT | C | Benedicam enim vobis et multiplicabo vos | h02635 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 002r | MH | MT | Mane exaudies vocem meam domine mane | h03883 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 002r | MH | MTV | Verba mea auribus percipe | h03881a | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 002r | MH | LDMT | Secundum multitudinem magnitudinis ejus laudate dominum | h03042 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 002r | MH | LDMTV | Laudate dominum de caelis | h03042a | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 002v | MH | LDMT | Initium sapientiae timor domini intellectus bonus | h01376 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 002v | T | ANT | 1 | Desiderium pauperum exaudi domine | h02809 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 003r | T | ANT | 2 | Quoniam justus dominus et justitiam dilexit | h03619 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 003r | T | ANT | 3 | Tu domine servabis nos et custodies | h04276 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 003r | T | RS | Convertamur ad dominum deum nostrum quoniam | h02073 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 003r | T | RSV | Venite exultemus in domino jubilemus deo | h02073a | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 004r | S | RS | Habete fiduciam coram domino et multiplicentur | h02253 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 004r | S | RSV | Perfecti estote exhortamini idem sapite pacem | h02253a | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 004r | N | ANT | 1 | Ad defensionem nostram deus noster respice | h02121 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 004v | N | ANT | 2 | Delicta qui solus intelligis a peccatis | h02804 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 004v | N | ANT | 3 | Exaudi nos in die qua invocamus | h03189.1 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 004v | N | VPR | Tu illuminas lucernam meam domine | h01040 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 004v | V2 | ANT | Salva plebem tuam domine et benedic | h04160 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 004v | V2 | ALL | Dirigantur viae nostrae domine ad custodiendas | h01230 | 0 |