Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Fer. 2 Hebd. 3 Quad.
» Analyse this feastSource: E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 19
Distinct chants: 19
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 0
Distinct chants: 19
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 0
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 034r | MH | ANT | 1 | Delicta qui solus intelligis a peccatis | h02804 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 034r | MH | ANT | 2 | Exaudi nos in die qua invocamus | h03189.1 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 034v | MH | ANT | 3 | Ad defensionem nostram deus noster respice | h02121 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 034v | MH | RS | Si dixerimus quia peccatum non habemus | h02542 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 034v | MH | RSV | Haec scribo vobis ut non peccetis | h02542a | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 035r | MH | ANT | C | Cantabo nunc dilecto canticum dilecte vineae | h02667 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 035r | MH | MT | Emitte lucem tuam domine et veritatem | h03864 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 035r | MH | LDMT | In cymbalis benesonantibus in cymbalis jubilationum | h02981 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 035v | MH | ALL | Mirabilia testimonia tua domine ideo scrutata | h01420 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 035v | T | ANT | 1 | Deus deus noster respice nos non | h02817 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 035v | T | ANT | 3 | Fiat domine misericordia tua super nos | h03313 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 035v | T | RS | Misericordia domini facit ut non deficiamus | h02364 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 035v | T | RSV | Flagellavit nos ab iniquitatibus nostris et | h02364a | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 036r | S | RS | Si ambulaverimus in viis ejus erit | h02537 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 036r | S | RSV | Benedictus dominus qui magnus est in | h02537a | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 036v | N | ANT | 3 | Redimet dominus animas* | h04140 | 0 |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 037r | V2 | VPR | Tu illuminas* | h01040 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 037r | V2 | ANT | Omnis terra adoret te et psallat | h03831 | 0 | |
E-Mn (Madrid) MSS/10110 | 037r | V2 | ALL | Bonitatem fecisti cum servo tuo domine | h01165 | 0 |