Full text: Sancti spiritus adsit nobis (...)Genre: [M]Feast: Dom. Pentecostes Log in to post comments Comments Sun, 17/03/2024 - 9:01pm Franco Ackermans Merge with ah53070; In St Peter B79, 122v the rubric is: deinde cantatur sequentia. So Sancti spiritus adsit nobis is the sequence ah53070 Log in to post comments
Sun, 17/03/2024 - 9:01pm Franco Ackermans Merge with ah53070; In St Peter B79, 122v the rubric is: deinde cantatur sequentia. So Sancti spiritus adsit nobis is the sequence ah53070 Log in to post comments
Merge with ah53070; In St Peter B79, 122v the rubric is: deinde cantatur sequentia. So Sancti spiritus adsit nobis is the sequence ah53070