Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Mariae Magdalenae
» Analyse this feastSource: SI-Lna 19 (olim 18)
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 41
Distinct chants: 38
Antiphons: 18
Responsories: 9
Average number of concordances: 18
Distinct chants: 38
Antiphons: 18
Responsories: 9
Average number of concordances: 18
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095r | M | V | 01 | Sicut peccatorum veniam sic | 006375a | 15 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095r | M | R | 2.3 | Caelestis medicus aegram quam | 006296 | 18 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 096v | L | A | 3 | Stans autem foris plorans | 005014 | 22 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 093v | M | A | 1.3 | Incendit plene Maria peccati | 003313 | 14 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 097r | L | A | B | Dicit ei Jesus mulier quid | 002198 | 15 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 093r | V | R | 0 | Accessit* | 006016 | 41 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094r | M | R | 1.1 | Soror Marthae Maria sedens | 602222 | 17 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094r | M | V | 01 | Martha satagebat circa | 602222a | 17 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094r | M | R | 1.2 | Respondens Jesus dixit Martha | 007536 | 6 | A-KN CCl 589 | CH-SGs 388 | D-KA Aug. LX | CH-E 611 | A-KN CCl 1012 | A-KN CCl 1018 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094v | M | V | 02 | Gloria patri et filio et | 909000 | 72 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095v | M | R | 3.1 | Mittens haec mulier hoc | 601448 | 0 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095v | M | V | 01 | Quid molesti estis illi bonum | 601448a | 0 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 096r | M | R | 3.2 | Maria plorans ad monumentum | 007129 | 18 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 096r | M | V | 01 | Non sufficiens sibi semel | 007129a | 18 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 096r | M | R | 3.3 | Accessit ad pedes Jesu | 006016 | 41 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 093v | M | A | 1.1 | Ingressus Jesus domum Simonis | 003342 | 13 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094v | M | A | 2.1 | Intendens porro Maria unum | 003364 | 12 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 093r | V | A | M | Fidelis sermo et omni | 002867 | 44 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095v | M | A | 3.1 | Cum esset Bethaniae Jesus | 001999 | 15 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094v | M | A | 2.3 | Maria ergo accepit libram | 003698 | 15 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095v | M | A | 3.2 | Amen dico vobis ubicumque | 001382 | 10 | A-LIb 290 | A-Gu 30 | A-VOR 287 | A-Wda C-10 | D-Sl HB.I.55 | A-Wn Cod. 1890 | D-KA Aug. LX | DK-Kk 3449 8o [10] X | GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 202 | D-BAs Msc.Lit.25 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095v | M | A | 3.3 | Dimissa sunt a domino Jesu | 201269 | 6 | CH-E 611 | D-KA Aug. LX | NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív Antiphonary of Bratislava V | SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Antiphonale Scepusiense | D-BAa : Msc Bibl. 79 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 096v | M | V | 01 | Dimissa sunt ei peccata multa | 006016a | 40 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 096v | L | A | 4 | Dicunt ei illi mulier quid | 002210 | 25 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 097r | V2 | A | M | Rogabat Jesum quidam | 004660 | 3 | CH-E 611 | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI E 13 | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 097r | L | A | 5 | Haec cum dixisset conversa | 002994 | 24 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 093v | M | I | 0 | Aeternae vitae regem laudare | 100034 | 1 | A-SF XI 480 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094r | M | R | 1.3 | Conversus Jesus ad Mariam | 600412 | 4 | CH-SGs 388 | CH-E 611 | A-KN CCl 1012 | A-KN CCl 589 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094r | M | V | 01 | Maria optimam partem elegit | 007536a | 6 | A-KN CCl 589 | D-KA Aug. LX | CH-SGs 388 | CH-E 611 | A-KN CCl 1012 | A-KN CCl 1018 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094v | M | V | 01 | Cui plus dimittitur plus | 600412a | 4 | CH-SGs 388 | A-KN CCl 1012 | A-KN CCl 589 | CH-E 611 |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095r | M | R | 2.1 | Martha stetit et ait domine | 601381 | 14 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095r | M | V | 01 | Dic ergo illi ut me adjuvet | 601381a | 14 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095r | M | R | 2.2 | Cum venisset Maria ubi erat | 006375 | 16 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095r | M | V | 01 | Fides etenim salvam eam fecit | 006296a | 18 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 095v | M | V | 02 | Gloria patri et filio et | 909000 | 72 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 096v | L | A | 1 | Una sabbati Maria Magdalena | 005268 | 23 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 096v | L | A | 2 | Videns lapidem sublatum a | 005386 | 22 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 096v | M | V | 02 | Gloria patri et filio et | 909000 | 72 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 092v | V | A | p | In diebus illis mulier quae | 003224 | 51 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 093v | M | A | 1.2 | Quae dum lacrimosa ad deum | 004424 | 14 | » Display |
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) | 094v | M | A | 2.2 | Jesus dum vocat Mariam per | 003489 | 10 | A-LIb 290 | A-Gu 30 | DK-Kk 3449 8o [10] X | A-VOR 287 | A-Wda C-10 | D-KA Aug. LX | D-Sl HB.I.55 | A-Wn Cod. 1890 | GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 202 | D-BAs Msc.Lit.25 |