Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Nativitas Domini
» Analyse this feastSource: CH-SGs Cod 0378
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 32
Distinct chants: 31
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 33
Distinct chants: 31
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 33
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 041 | MASS | Tp | Hodie cantandus est nobis puer quem | g00553.Tp1 | 17 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 041 | MASS | Tp | Praeter omnium puerorum consuetudinem de virgine | g00553.Tp86 | 6 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | A-Wn Cod 01609 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 042 | MASS | Tp | Ex tempore quidem matri sempiternitate vero | g00553.Tp50 | 6 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | A-Wn Cod 01609 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 042 | MASS | Tp | Crucis videlicet Iignum ad debellandos invisibiles | g00553.Tp32 | 6 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | A-Wn Cod 01609 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 042 | MASS | Tp | Privilegio patris filii superni NOMEN EJUS | g00553.Tp89 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 042 | MASS | Tp | Judaeis ac gentibus adnuntians se Deum | g00553.Tp101 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 043 | MASS | InV | Cantate domino canticum [novum] quia [mirabilia] | g00553a.1 | 121 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 043 | MASS | Tp | Miro modo cum de virginis utero | g00553.Tp74 | 4 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 043 | MASS | Tp | Cujus potentissimus PUER | g00553.Tp33 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 044 | MASS | Tp | Laudemus omnes Dominum qui virginis per | g00553.Tp68 | 6 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | A-Wn Cod 01609 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 044 | MASS | Tp | Ineffabilis fortis et mirabilis ET FILIUS | g00553.Tp64 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 045 | MASS | Tp | Ante natus quam mundus esset factus | g00553.Tp28 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 045 | MASS | Tp | Praecipuum sempiternum atque supernum SUPER .. EJUS | g00553.Tp84 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 045 | MASS | Tp | Qui creavit quicquid caelis terrisque consistit | g00553.Tp100 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 045 | MASS | InR | Notum fecit [dominus salutare suum in | g00553c | 22 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 045 | MASS | Tp | Ex se natum sine matre ex | g00553.Tp49 | 6 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | A-Wn Cod 01609 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 045 | MASS | Tp | Absque nascentium ordine procreatus de virgine | g00553.Tp23 | 3 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 046 | MASS | Tp | Omnipotens ygye qui ante saecula cum | g00557.Tp17 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 046 | MASS | Tp | Hodie pectore mundo et corde benigno | g00558.Tp1 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | GB-Ob Selden Supra 0027 | CH-SGs Cod 0484 | CH-SGs Cod 0380 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 132 | MASS | In | Puer natus est nobis * | g00553 | 147 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 132 | MASS | InV | Cantate domino [canticum novum[ quia mirabilia * | g00553a.1 | 121 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 132 | MASS | Cm | Viderunt omnes * | g00558 | 139 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 132 | MASS | CmV | Cantate domino canticum novum quia mirabilia | g00558a.2 | 5 | CH-SGs Cod 0374 | D-W Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 | D-LEu Ms Thomas 391 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 132 | MASS | CmV | Salvavit sibi dextera ejus et brachium | g00558b | 7 | F-Col_part Mont-Renaud | CH-SGs Cod 0374 | D-W Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 | F-LA Ms 0118 | F-Pn Lat. 12050 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 133 | MASS | CmV | Notum fecit Dominus salutare suum in | g00558d | 4 | CH-SGs Cod 0374 | D-W Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 | CH-SGs Cod 0381 | CH-SGs Cod 0376 | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 155 | MASS | Sq | Natus ante saecula Dei filius invisibilis | ah53015 | 61 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 158 | MASS | Sq | Eia recolamus laudibus piis digna | Hujus | ah53016 | 69 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 298 | MASS | Of | Tui sunt caeli * | g00557 | 145 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 298 | MASS | OfV | Magnus et metuendus super omnes qui | g00557a | 66 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 298 | MASS | OfV | Misericordia et veritas praeibunt ante faciem | g00557b | 66 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 299 | MASS | OfV | Tu humiliasti sicut vulneratum superbum et | g00557c | 63 | » Display | |
CH-SGs Cod 0378 | 377 | MASS | Tp | SANCTUS Genitor summi filii quem concepit | 509504.Tp57 | 0 |