Elisabeth Hung.

Elizabeth of Hungary, and of Thuringia, Widow

Feast date:
Feast code:

Holweck, p. 314 lists Nov. 19 as her death date and feast date, but other sources (including Grotefend) give Nov. 17;

Related chants

Displaying 151 - 154 of 154 chants
Cantus ID Genre Full text Feast
g02550 Al Alleluia O pia regum filia felix alumna pauperum Christo nos reconcilia Elisabeth beata virtus tuorum operum ad et non tanget illos tormentum malitiae Elisabeth Hung.
g02810 Al Alleluia Sponsa veri Zachariae Elisabeth hac in die nostrae laudis harmoniae repraesentat domino Elisabeth Hung.
g03083 Al Alleluia Laudemus dei magnificentiam (...) Elisabeth Hung.
g03085 In Gaudeamus omnes in honore Elisabethae viduae (...) Elisabeth Hung.
