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Eructavit cor meum verbum bonum dico ego opera mea regi lingua mea calamus scribae velociter scribentis
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Thu, 30/04/2020 - 12:35pm Franco Ackermans

eructavit / eructuavit
I made some notes in the doc on Of Offerentur:
There are 2 ways to spell… eructavit and eructuavit. The latter is used more often and by older mss.
Eructuavit is PsR (Weber 98)
We have the OfV to the 2 Offerentur 0083 – 01371 and to Of Diffusa 01378 and OF Filiae 01388
I will deal with thos later..

g00579a The verse to the Gr Speciosa
eructavit in (AMS: MBCKS) SG 340, 0091, MtR, 40078, Yrieix, 12584, 9436, 18010
corrected to eructuavit in Ch47. Eructavit even in Bv39 (159)!
eructuavit in (AMS: R) Grenoble, Narbonne, Albi, Bergamo

If you look in SG 339: on 2 following pages 17/18
In V Eructavit, OfV Eructuavit, Gr V Eructavit. Bamberg 6 idem

One would expect that the ‘new’ version appears in the Introit, because this is formulaic. And that the old eructuavit remains in the OF en Gr. Why is it in many mss changed in the Gradual vers? Because this verse-melody opens “recitando” Three (eructuávit) or two (eructávit) single notes on the same height!

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