
Full text: 
Posuisti domine in capite ejus coronam de lapide pretioso vitam petiit a te tribuisti ei alleluia
Fulltext source: 
Graduale Romanum


Wed, 29/04/2020 - 11:17am Franco Ackermans

g01298 normally this Of contains the alleluia at the end. Versions without in:
Qlb 40087 (not finishing on final fa),
Grenoble 84 (incorporating the melisma from alleluia to the last syllable)
1087 has the alleluia for Stephanus in December!
Why..: Stefanus has this double Offertory-tradition: Elegerunt / In virtute. Bamberg 6 has both..
1087 didn’t want to choose between the Gallican and the Roman and decided on Posuisti.
Kennth Levy Gregorian chant and..p. 174, n. 82 “Posuisti is based on Angelus Domini”. But that is from Paschaltide and therefore has an alleluia! The scribe from 1087 didn’t bother, the scribe from Grenoble 84 did and removed the alleluia.
But maybe this is worth a discussion…
Because MtR had Domine instead f the alleluia, he had his problems too…
AMS Corbie has the alleluia too, for Gorgonii (in August!!)
See Hesbert CVi no 148

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