
Full text: 
Alleluia Beatus es Simon Petre quia caro et sanguis non revelavit tibi sed pater meus qui est in caelis
Usual feast: 
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F-Pn : Nouv acq Lat 01235


Sun, 18/09/2022 - 6:39pm Franco Ackermans

This g02235 is an adaptation of Al Posuisti mode 1 GT 480. g00029a is a second verse to Tu es Petrus on the melody of Dies sanctificatus, mode 2

Concordances in the Cantus Index network


Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Cantus ID Genre Full textsort descending
g02235.Tp2 Tp AIme tua nobis Petre subveniat pia prex apud Deum qui hamo suo de marinis te traxit Carybdis ad supera regna